  • 學位論文


On Kant's "Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding" in the First Edition

指導教授 : 彭文本


〈先驗推證〉(Transcendental Deduction)是德國哲學家伊曼紐‧康德(Immanuel Kant)在《純粹理性批判》(Kritik der reinen Vernunft) 所做的最重要工作,旨在對人類知性活動的先天條件做出論證。包含〈先驗感性〉(Die tranzendentale Ästhetik)中對時間與空間、以及在〈先驗邏輯〉(Die transzendentale Logik)中對範疇(Kategorie)的推證。本文著眼於後者。由於康德於1781年和1787年先後出版了兩版《純粹理性批判》,因此,對範疇的先驗推證又有A、B兩版之分。1781年出版的通稱為A版推證,而1787年則是B版。而本文著眼於A版推證,旨在針對A版《純粹理性批判》當中對於純粹知性概念的先驗推證提出一種詮釋。 對此,筆者在本文當中所欲達成的目標有二:「解釋先驗推證的目的為何」以及「替A版推證提供一詮釋的可能」針對前者,由於學界對於先驗推證的詮釋方式有「主觀推證」和「客觀推證」這兩種進路。因此,筆者將透過本文第四章對兩種詮釋方式的分析,進而說明何以筆者採取「主觀推證」的立場。亦即,先驗推證的目的是要去證明:「認知唯有在預設了純粹知性概念時才有可能。」 另一方面,若著眼於A版前言,先驗推證的目的則可一分為二:「推證純粹知性概念的客觀有效性」以及「(在一個主觀的關係中)證明純粹知性本身的可能性」。而其中第一目的「推證知性的純粹概念的客觀有效性」才是先驗推證的主要目的,也正是筆者所欲回答的第二個問題。有鑑於此,我將分別透過對「三重綜合」的分析嘗試去詮釋康德如何「(在一個主觀的關係中)證明純粹知性本身的可能性」;以及藉由說明想像力的純粹綜合和先驗統覺統一之間的互惠性使得「純粹知性概念的客觀有效性」得到證成。


康德 先驗推證 三重綜合


The “Transcendental Deduction” in the Critique of the Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft) aims at demonstrating the a priori conditions of human intellectual capability. This is one of the major goals that German philosopher Immanuel Kant attempted to achieve. These conditions include the deductions of the time and space in “Transcendenal Aesthetic” (Die tranzendentale Ästhetik) and the categories (Kategorie) in the “Transcendental Logic”, which is the deduction of the pure concept of Understanding. However, since Kant published two versions of the Critique of the Pure Reason in 1781 and in 1787 respectively, there are two editions of the Deduction, i.e. the A-Deduction and the B-Deduction. This thesis focuses on the A-Deduction, and provides an interpretation of it. In this thesis, I shall endeavor to achieve the following two goals: 1. Demonstrate the purpose of transcendental deduction of the pure concept of Understanding. 2. Provide a detailed explanation of A-Deduction. Regarding the former, there are many interpretative controversies, and we could roughly divide them into subjective deduction interpretation and objective deduction interpretation. In chapter 4, I will argue in favor of the former, i.e., the “subjective deduction interpretation. This interpretation argues that the purpose of the Deduction is to prove that cognitions are only possible under the presupposition of pure concepts of understanding. On the other hand, according to the preface of A-Deduction, the purpose of the Deduction contains two aspects: (a) to deal with the pure understanding itself, concerning its possibility within a subjective relation; and (b) to demonstrate and make comprehensible the objective validity of the pure concepts a priori, which happens to be the essence of the second goal of this thesis. In view of this division, I shall explain the first aspect by giving an interpretation to the “threefold synthesis”. this explanation will conclude in asserting the transcendental apperception as the a priori condition of cognition. As for the second aspect, the explanation will be completed by demonstrating the reciprocity between the pure synthesis of imagination and the unity of transcendental apperception.


Kant, Immanuel.
Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1998.
Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik, die als Wissenschaft wird auftreten können, Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2001.
