  • 學位論文


The Responsibility of Disseminating Non-consensual Pornography — A Comparative Study on the Related Regulation in the States of the U.S

指導教授 : 王皇玉


分手暴力(separation assault)並非嶄新概念,傳統係以肢體傷害作為親密關係暴力的展現。施暴者因為無法忍受他方決定、或是考慮結束親密關係而施加暴力,透過暴力欲取回原先在親密關係中的支配權力地位,甚至「懲罰」他方欲離開親密關係。2000年起,全球進入新的科技時代——攝影工具從笨重的手持攝影機一路進化到垂手可得的手機內建相機,自製影像變得簡單無比——新型態的分手暴力不再需要藉助物理性的肢體暴力,揭露性隱私成為新型的親密暴力型態。 根據婦女救援基金會調查,高達96%以上的被害人都是女性。性隱私的侵害係以斥責被害人逾越傳統性別特質或框架,暗指被害人應為其所遭受的犯罪暴力負責,此種使得女性為自己的性行為或性慾感到羞恥的蕩婦羞辱式(slut shaming)抨擊,使得被害人承受性暴力。 然性隱私侵害作為一揉合性自主法益與隱私法益之犯罪,除了在我國現行實務下無相應之法規範外,更於程序規範上欠缺對被害人之保護,使得被害人的性隱私影像無從「回收」。本文擬從隱私法益與性自主法益之保護出發,論證性隱私入罪化之必要性,並於第四章探討美國各州現行對於性隱私影像侵害之規範,末於第五章檢視、評析我國目前所提出的各個性隱私影像專法草案。


Separation assault is not a brand-new concept. Traditionally, physical abuse is the most common form of intimate partner violence. When an intimate relationship seems to come to an end, one may abuse the other partner for controlling purpose in order to maintain the relationship or as a punishment for ending the relationship. As the world reached to a new era of technology in 2000, recording devices are no longer heavy. Smartphones have already replaced cameras. Making videos and photographing in our daily life become simple and quick. Disclosure of sexual privacy obtained in an intimate relationship becomes a new form of separation assault. According to a research conducted by Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation, more than 96% of the victims suffered from disclosure of sexual privacy are women. By criticizing the victims for not following the gender framework and implying that the victims should feel ashamed for their sexual behaviors, the victims have emotionally suffered from the kind of sexual violence. However, as an abuse mixed with infringement of sexual autonomy and privacy, such sexual abuse is not regulated and there’s no any victim protection regulation as well, making it difficult for the victims to take back the intimate images disclosed by the abusers. This thesis would discuss about protection of sexual autonomy and privacy as a justification of criminalizing non-consensual pornography. We’ll take a look at the regulations in the U.S states and analyze the draft bills on criminalizing non-consensual pornography in Taiwan in recent years.


壹、 中文文獻
