  • 學位論文


Learn from the Enemy:Literary Policy of the Kuomintang, 1924-1956

指導教授 : 蘇碩斌


本文考察國民黨文藝制度自1924年至1956年間經歷「學共產黨」開始從而花費數十年時間在「反共產黨」的歷史變遷過程。過往的國民黨文藝政策研究,多關注戰後遷臺的時期,因此也傾向觀察到國民黨堅決反共的文藝政策。然而,若將國民黨文藝工作的時間尺度拉長、組織尺度拉深,可觀察到國民黨文藝制度有幾個變異頗大的不同階段。本文採用歷史制度論為研究框架,區分文藝制度、文藝組織、文藝政策三個不同層次的研究對象,以國民黨的文藝組織為主要焦點,但向上探討組織所存在的制度環境、向下分析文藝組織運作的文藝政策。 由以上的分析框架,本文主張,必須由一九二〇年代國民黨與共產黨的合作關係談起,才能知悉國民黨如何在僵化的制度環境下、啟動「以共為師」的組織技術,從而在數十年間展開難以匹敵共產黨的反共文藝政策,直至一九六〇年代才有所轉型。循此,國民黨文藝制度歷史可分解為三個主要階段來觀察:(一)強審查弱組織的階段:1920年代國民黨在蘇聯的指導下認識文藝的政治影響力,但仍侷限於政治宣傳的作法;相對於共產黨的全面新創文藝黨團組織,國民黨的文藝政策是置於「政治制度」附屬之下,而未能在國民黨內發展出有力的官方文藝組織;(二)文藝組織整合的階段:抗戰期間,國民黨仍繼續維持文藝作品的政治審查,以防杜共產黨勢力入侵,但已試著利用文藝組織攏絡、收編左翼文藝工作者,並在抗戰末期首次成立了對抗共產黨的文藝組織,只是在國共內戰仍不敵共產黨的文藝操作能力進而在宣傳工作上失利;(三)文藝組織戰爭的階段:國民黨遷台後,意外得到免於直接面對共產黨的制度環境,而在重啟戰爭氛圍的需求下、延續了抗戰期間未竟的文藝組織工程,並在此時完備了官方文藝組織、強化敵我對立的分化──此種反共文學品味展現出「敵我廝殺」的單調敘事,卻也因為1950年代中期國民黨接觸到「美援」的文藝制度,急速在1960年代由「現代主義」帶出「冷靜自制」的反共文學新品味,告別糾纏國民黨數十年的「師共以反共」之文藝鬥爭史。


The thesis explores the Kuomintang's literary policy through the 1920s to 1950s,especially on its historical entanglement with the Communist Party of China (CPC). Using the theory of New Institutionalism, this study analyses the KMT from three historical stages. In the first stage (1924-1937), the KMT learned from the Soviets to make cooperation with intellectuals and writers. However, the KMT paid too much attention to political propaganda and censorship instead of maintaining any literary organization. In the second stage (1937-1949,) the KMT began to establish specific organizations to relate with some left-wing writers by imitating the CPC. But the KMT was still defeated in the Chinese Civil War due to the CPC's energy of literary mobilization. In the third stage (1949-1956), the KMT retreated to Taiwan and finally built its proper literary organization to attack the CPC. But the literary performance was considered lousy taste during this period so-called "Anti-Communist Literature." Then, through the influence of the Modernism literature from the U.S.A, Taiwan's literary writings changed the style--no longer learned from its "enemy," the CPC, but learned from its friend, the U.S.A.


