  • 學位論文

新冠肺炎疫情下之運動品牌數位轉型策略分析:以 Nike 及 Adidas 為例

Analysis of Sportswear Brand’s Digital Transformation Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Nike and Adidas as Examples

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


近年全球運動品牌產業蓬勃發展,隨著運動賽事的盛行及運動時尚的風潮,運動品牌產業每年年均複合增長率6%持續成長。而2019年新冠肺炎(Covid -19)疫情的出現卻打破前景看好的市場預估,運動品牌產業迎來前所未見的衰退。實體店面暫停營業及國際各大運動賽事相繼取消或延期,造成各大運動品牌營收大幅衰減。 受到新冠肺炎疫情的影響,消費者行為也開始產生了變化。消費者減少更多非必需的消費行為、消費模式開始轉往線上電子商務通路,加上供應鏈的工廠缺工及貨運延遲問題,這一切的快速變化都讓各大運動品牌措手不及。 身為產業龍頭的Nike,面對零售實體店鋪關閉的危機,短暫出現獲利下滑,但很快地Nike掌握了電子商務的商機,將危機化為轉機,以完整的數位化佈局,將自有APP的操作結合數位社群。Nike達到了數位業務80%的成長,也讓Nike原訂在2023年實現線上銷售占比30%的目標,提早實踐。 然而市佔率第二的強大對手Adidas在新冠疫情下卻有了不一樣的結果,實體店鋪關閉,導致營收受巨幅地下滑。Adidas在2020第一季的財報,其年營收下滑了19%,獲利更是損失少96%。在疫情期間Adidas甚至與德國政府申請了房租補助,而造成品牌形象受損。 為什麼這兩個運動品牌龍頭,在疫情下卻有完全不同的結果?而在疫情中,各大運動品牌紛紛提出數位轉型策略,試圖將實體通路所流失的營收轉往線上商務。本研究將採用個案研究分析方式以運動品牌產業中市占率最大的兩大運動品牌Nike及Adidas作個案分析研究,著重於這兩大運動品牌在新冠疫情中所提出的數位轉型策略分析,希望藉此做為未來運動品牌產業的在未來數位化策略佈局的參考模式。


In recent years, the global athletic apparel industry has developed vigorously. With the popularity of sporting events and the trend of activewear fashion, the sportswear brand industry has continued to progress at a combined annual growth rate of 6%. However, with the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic that emerged in late 2019, this promising market forecast has been negatively affected, and the sportswear brand industry ushered in an unprecedented recession. The temporary closing of fitness stores and the cancellation or postponement of major international sporting events have resulted in a significant decline in the revenue of major sportswear brands. Affected by the coronavirus pandemic, consumer behavior has also begun to change. Consumers have reduced more non-essential consumption behaviors; consumption patterns have begun to shift to online e-commerce channels, coupled with factory labor shortages and freight delays in the supply chain. All of these sudden changes have caught major sportswear brands off guard. As an industry leader, Nike, faced with the crisis of closing retail stores, suffered a short-term profit decline. However, Nike quickly grasped the business opportunities of e-commerce, utilized the crisis as a turning point, and transformed its own business with a complete digital layout. The operation of their APP is combined with the digital community. Nike has achieved an 80% growth in its digital business, and it has also allowed itself to achieve its original goal of 30% of online sales in 2023, which was put into practice earlier. On February 20, 2020, Adidas’s first competition received a huge market share of 19% and made 96% more profit during the coronavirus pandemic. During this epidemic, Adidas even lost load subsidies with the German government, subsequently affecting its brand image. Why did these two sportswear brand leaders experience completely different results during this epidemic? During this pandemic, major sportswear brands have proposed digital transformation strategies by trying to transform the revenue lost from physical channels into online commerce. This research paper will use the case study analysis method to analyze the two major sportswear brands, Nike and Adidas, with the largest market share in the sports retail industry. This research paper hopes to serve as a reference model for the potential digital strategy layout of the sports brand industry in the future.


