  • 學位論文


Using Normalization Process Theory to Identify the Factors Influencing Integration of Digital Health Service in Hospitals - A Case Study of Taiwan Health Tech Startup

指導教授 : 余峻瑜


近年來全球數位醫療產業快速擴展,不僅吸引國際科技大廠跨足醫療市場,數位醫療新創企業投資也快速成長,台灣也不例外。然而,成功將新技術導入醫療院所,並能有效整合在常規醫院工作流程的企業並不多,本研究的個案(M公司)為少數成功發展的台灣新創企業之一。因此,藉由M公司的數位醫療服務「床邊智聯照護系統」被多家醫學中心採用的成功經驗,了解一項新科技被醫院整合的重要影響因素,提供未來產業新進者在服務評估上的考量依據。 正規化過程理論 (Normalization Process Theory, NPT) 是一項以社會學為基礎的質性研究框架,在國際上常被應用於國家醫療機構評估數位醫療干預的分析工具。本論文為台灣首篇應用NPT 評估數位醫療服務導入醫院效果的研究,透過深度訪談,將使用者認知與評價以四大機制作為分類:Coherence(新系統的價值)、Cognitive Participation (使用者的參與度)、Collective Action(工作流程的改變)、Reflexive Monitoring (使用者回饋),進而歸納出影響新科技被整合至醫院工作流程的重要影響因素,提供數位醫療新創公司未來在產品評估的建議。 本研究的研究重點與成果為: 1.以深度訪談的方式,將護理師使用數位醫療服務的經驗,以NPT 建立評估框架。 2.根據NPT 框架,歸納新系統整合工作流程的促進與阻礙因素,並提出其管理意涵。


In recent years, the rapid expansion in the digital health industry has not only strengthened big tech companies’ interest, but also increased the investment in digital health startups around the world, and Taiwan is no exception. However, most of those companies have failed. Company M is one of the few start-ups in Taiwan that successfully developed in the market. Therefore, we expect to learn from Company M the key factors that affect the implementation of new technology in hospitals and offer an evaluation tool for the new entrants in the industry. Normalization Process Theory (NPT) is a sociological qualitative research framework, generally used as an analytical tool for evaluating digital health interventions in national medical institutions. This paper is the first study in Taiwan to use NPT to evaluate the integration of digital health services. Through in-depth interviews, users' cognition and feedback are classified into four mechanisms: Coherence (value), Cognitive Participation (participation), Collective Action (workflow change), and Reflexive Monitoring (user feedback), and then summarize the influencing factors that affect the integration of new technology, and provide the evaluation suggestions for the digital health tech startups. There are two main topics of this paper: 1. By conducting in-depth interviews, the nurse’s user experience in using digital health services was used to establish an assessment framework with NPT. 2. According to the NPT framework, identify factors that promote and inhibit the routine and define the managerial implications.


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