  • 學位論文


The social situation of Vietnamese marriage immigrant women living in Taiwan after divorce

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


過往國內針對婚姻移民的研究,多著重處於婚姻中的婚姻移民,鮮少關注經歷離婚的婚姻移民,又考量不同國家具有不同的文化、價值觀、婚姻脈絡,因此,本研究探討的群體是經歷離婚的越南婚姻移民女性。本研究著力瞭解在台越南婚姻移民女性的離婚樣貌、離婚時的考量、離婚後在台的日常生活樣貌,期望豐富越南婚姻移民女性離婚後在台的生活圖像,並探究其在台灣社會中的處境。 本研究以敘說研究方法進行,經過立意取樣,本研究邀請到6位越南婚姻移民女性(已與台籍前配偶離婚兩年以上且離婚後在台生活)進行深度訪談,並依照婚姻歷程的時間序列整理呈現受訪者的個人生命故事。 本研究結果發現分成四個部分,第一為越南婚姻移民女性離婚的脈絡,分別整理歸納導向離婚的婚姻生活情況、觸發離婚行動的情況、離婚過程。第二為越南婚姻移民女性離婚後選擇繼續在台灣生活的考量,考量分別是為自己的婚姻選擇與生活負責、陪伴著子女在熟悉的台灣環境繼續生活、台灣的社會福利制度相比越南較為完整、不想讓越南家人擔心。第三為越南婚姻移民女性離婚後在台灣的生活樣貌,越南婚姻移民女性為了經濟自立不得不多工作,工作同時仍需要考量到子女照顧的時間而做選擇,又此時若能適時運用社會資源,能大幅減輕生活壓力,但大多越南婚姻移民女性並不瞭解可運用的社會資源,十分仰賴社會網絡間的資訊傳遞;然而,離婚後越南婚姻移民女性的社會支持網絡是縮小且侷限的,也因為投入工作而減少時間與心力在拓展社會支持網絡,可能錯失接收資訊的機會並陷入窮困的循環;接續,雖然越南婚姻移民女性與前夫家庭之間因為想好聚好散多保有聯繫,而與母國家人間也維繫著緊密又疏離的關係,但是仍多獨自承擔母職角色責任與生活苦痛,不過即使犧牲自己,仍然難逃對於子女的愧疚感;最後,當越南婚姻移民女性順利調適離婚後生活的苦痛,以及挺過生活挑戰之後,對於現有的自由自在生活是感到喜悅與嚮往的,且依著經驗積累,提升了能力,同時也更有自信迎向未來的生活。第四為台灣對於離婚越南婚姻移民女性的社會氛圍與言論行為,越南婚姻移民女性在外與鄰居或不熟識的人,多僅簡單打招呼,因此,相處經驗多是維持平和氛圍,但是偶爾仍會接收到負面的評論。 本研究根據研究結果發現,提出四個實務工作層面建議,第一為加強社會資源的資訊整合、易理解度與傳遞方式,第二為統一社會救助申請文件的指示與告知補救方式,第三為建立友善且接納的社會環境,第四為給婚姻移民領域實務工作者的提醒:需具文化敏感度、瞭解多元領域的資源。


In the relevant extant domestic studies, most focused on married immigrants, and rarely paid attention to divorced immigrants. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider that different countries have different cultures, values, and marital contexts. Therefore, the participants of this study are Vietnamese female immigrants who have experienced divorce. This study focuses on understanding the divorce experience of Vietnamese immigrant women living in Taiwan, their considerations during divorce, and their daily life experiences in Taiwan after their divorce ; it aims to enrich the life images of them living in Taiwan after divorcing, and to explore their situation in Taiwanese society. This study adopts the narrative method. Through purpose sampling, a total of 6 Vietnamese immigrant women (who have been divorced from their Taiwanese ex-husbands for more than two years and continue to live in Taiwan after their divorce) were invited to participate in in-depth interviews ; their life stories were then organized and presented individually according to the time series of their marriage history. The results of this study are divided into four parts: (1) The context of Vietnamese married immigrant women heading for divorce, including the marital life situations leading to divorce, the situations triggering divorce actions, and the divorce process, respectively. (2) The considerations of Vietnamese immigrant women choosing to continue living in Taiwan after their divorce include: (a) they are responsible for their own marriage choice and life, (b) they accompany their children to continue living in a familiar environment, (c) the social welfare system in Taiwan is more complete than that in Vietnam, and (d) they don't want to let their Vietnamese family to worry. (3) It depicts what the living conditions of Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan after their divorce look like: they have to work more for economic self-reliance. At the same time, they still need to consider the time it takes to care for their children. At this time, if they can use social resources in a timely manner, they can greatly reduce the pressure of life they face. However, most of them aren’t aware of the available social resources and rely heavily on information transmission between social networks. Nevertheless, after divorce, the social support network for them is narrow and limited, and they also reduce time and effort in expanding the social support network because of work. Thereupon they may miss the opportunity to receive information and fall into a cycle of poverty. Continuing, although the divorced Vietnamese immigrant women mostly keep in contact with their ex-husband’s family because of the expectation of peaceful coexistence, and also maintain a close and estranged relationship with their Vietnam family, they still mainly bear the responsibility of motherhood and the pain of living life alone. But even if they sacrifice themselves, they still can't escape the guilt of separated children. Finally, when the divorced Vietnamese immigrant women successfully adjust to the pain of life and overcome the challenges, they not only feel the joy in yearning for a free life, but also improve their abilities based on accumulated experience; at the same time they are more confident to face their future life. (4) It depicts what the social atmosphere and speech acts of divorced Vietnamese immigrant women present in Taiwanese society: Vietnamese divorced immigrant women usually just simply greet neighbors or unfamiliar people. Therefore, most of their experience in getting along is peaceful, but occasionally they still receive negative comments. Based on the results, we suggest: (1) strengthening the information integration, comprehension and delivery of social resources, (2) unifying the instructions of the social assistance application documents and informing the remedies, (3) establishing a friendly accepting social environment, and (4) reminding practitioners: requiring cultural sensitivity and understanding the resources of diverse fields.


