  • 學位論文


Digital Transformation Strategy of Taiwan Insurance Brokers —A Case of Mobile Device Insurance of Golden Insurance Brokers

指導教授 : 劉啟群
共同指導教授 : 尤琳蕙


台灣號稱保險大國,然而近年保險業也面臨低利率、IFRS 17、金融科技與氣候變遷等挑戰,同時疫情讓數位化時代來臨的速度加快,如何透過數位轉型提升競爭力,成為保險業持續向前邁進的重點策略。而在眾多數位轉型的議題中,行動投保是一個相當基礎而又影響重大的課題,主要由於其三大特性:對近40萬業務大軍影響大又立即、是向後延伸e化服務的門戶、同時又是向前延伸打造專業數位顧問的基石,使得各家保險公司無法忽視其重要性。以當前推動概況,壽險公司新契約以行動投保方式進件的比例預估已達7成以上,而更有部分壽險公司比例達到9成以上。 而在保險經紀人產業,由於先天規模上劣勢與業務特性的關係,在行動投保的發展上相較單一保險公司又多出許多障礙,導致使用率一直停滯不前。以2021年本研究的搜集統計,最多只有41家保經保代公司完成與保險公司的行動投保串接,占保經代公司總體家數不到1成的比例,串接完成的公司總體使用率也只有10%。然而其中公勝保經在2021年的使用率已達到45.5%,是整體保經業平均的4.5倍,到2022年上半年更提升到了63%,在整個保經業的表現一枝獨秀。 本研究藉由對個案公司公勝保險經紀人的深入研究,以行動投保的推動歷程為例,探討保經公司推動數位轉型過程中,如何利用自身優勢克服障礙,以提升組織效能,創造企業價值擴大競爭差異。本研究發現:(1)保經公司投入行動投保,可有效降低成本提升營運效能;(2)轉型關鍵不在技術的應用而在文化上的變革,轉變以使用者體驗為核心的思維與建構系統快速優化迭代的能力。(3)成功的關鍵在於領導層的支持、不斷投入資源的決心與親自投入參與。


Taiwan is known as a big insurance country. However, Taiwan’s insurance industry has faced challenges such as low interest rates, IFRS 17, financial technology and climate change. Meanwhile, the pandemic has accelerated the progress of digitalization. How to enhance competitiveness through digital transformation has become a key strategy for the insurance industry to continue moving forward. Among many digital transformation issues, mobile insurance is a fairly basic and influential topic, mainly due to its three characteristics: first, it has a great and immediate impact on the nearly 400,000 salesperson, second, it is the gateway to extend e-services progress, third, it’s also the cornerstone of extending forward to build professional digital consultants. That’s why all insurance companies of the market cannot ignore its importance. According to the current situation of life insurance companies, the proportion of new contracts entered by mobile insurance has reached more than 70%, for some companies, even has reached its number over 90%. In the insurance broker industry, due to the inherent disadvantage of scale and the relationship between business characteristics, there are many obstacles in the development of mobile insurance compared with single insurance companies, resulting in stagnant utilization. According to the statistics collected in this research in 2021, only 41 insurance broker companies have completed the mobile insurance tandem with insurance companies. This less than 10% of the total number of insurance broker companies.Even for those companies who completed the mobile insurance tandem, the usage is only 10%. However, the utilization rate of Golden Insurance Brokers has reached 45.5% in 2021, which is 4.5 times the average of the overall insurance industry. Based on the in-depth study of the case company Golden Insurance Brokers, this study takes the promotion process of mobile insurance as an example to discuss how insurance companies can use their own advantages to overcome obstacles in the process of promoting digital transformation, so as to improve organizational efficiency and create corporate value. Widen the competitive differentiation. This research finds that: (1) If insurance brokers companies invest in mobile insurance, which can effectively reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. (2) The key to transformation is not the application of technology but cultural reformation, changing the thinking to user-oriented and building the ability to fast optimize the system.(3) The key to success is management support, determination to continually invest resources, and personal engagement.


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