  • 學位論文


Individual and collective effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on herbivore performance across altitudes: a study of Pieris canidia butterfly and Rorippa indica plant

指導教授 : 何傳愷


氣候變遷(例如:暖化與二氧化碳濃度增加)可以影響生物的生長與發育,進而改變各營養階層間的交互關係與群集結構;但是暖化與二氧化碳濃度增加會如何單獨與共同地影響跨環境梯度(例如:海拔)生物的表現仍然較少被探討。為了回答上述問題,本研究使用緣點白粉蝶(植食者)與葶藶(寄主植物)進行3×2×2複因子實驗,探討暖化、二氧化碳濃度與海拔來源如何影響葶藶上的緣點白粉蝶。3×2×2複因子包含溫度(控制、+3 °C、+6 °C)、二氧化碳濃度(500與1000 ppm)與海拔來源(低海拔[100公尺]與中海拔[1000公尺]的族群),本研究中暖化與二氧化碳濃度增加的程度是依據IPCC模擬西元2100年的結果。實驗結果顯示,單獨的溫度效應,而非單獨的二氧化碳效應,會顯著地影響緣點白粉蝶的表現(例如暖化會減少植食者各階段的重量、減短幼蟲與蛹的發育時間)。另外,海拔來源會影響植食者的表現,例如來自中海拔的緣點白粉蝶有較短的發育期、較重的幼蟲、蛹與成蟲以及較長的成蟲壽命,而海拔與其他因子的共同作用(溫度×二氧化碳、溫度×二氧化碳×海拔)也會影響成蟲表現。本研究彰顯出暖化會顯著影響植食者的表現,而這影響也會同時受到二氧化碳與海拔來源的調控。本研究試圖解開氣候變遷因子(暖化與二氧化碳濃度增加)如何單獨與共同地影響跨海拔植食者的表現,所產生的結果應可幫助建構新的生態模型,以便更準確地預測未來氣候變遷對生物群集的影響。


Climate change (e.g., elevated temperature and CO2) can affect species growth and development, subsequently shaping trophic interactions and community structure. However, less is known about how elevated temperature and CO2 individually and collectively influence species performance across spatial gradients (e.g., altitudes). To help fill the knowledge gap, we studied the performance of Pieris canidia (herbivore) on Rorippa indica (host plant) by conducting a 3×2×2 factorial experiment: temperature (ambient, +3 °C, +6 °C) × CO2 (500, 1000 ppm) × altitude (species collected from low [100m] and medium [1000m] altitudes). The degree of elevated temperature and CO2 was based on IPCC prediction for 2100. The factorial design allowed us to examine the individual and collective effects of temperature and CO2 on species across altitude (i.e., intraspecific variation). The results showed that temperature (but not CO2) alone, strongly affected P. canidia performance (e.g., reduced larval weight, adult weight, larval period and pupal period under warming). Furthermore, altitudinal origin affected P. canidia performance, either alone or via its interaction with temperature and CO2. For example, P. canidia with a medium-altitude origin had a shorter developmental time, larger larval, pupal and adult weight, and longer longevity than those with a low-altitude origin; there were interaction effects (temperature×CO2, temperature×CO2×altitude) on adult performance. Our study highlights a strong impact of elevated temperature on herbivore performance, which, however, is also mediated by CO2 and altitude. Our attempt to untangle the complexity of individual and collective effects of climate change components across spatial gradients should facilitate new ecological models that will better predict community response to climate change.


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