  • 學位論文

以價值矩陣探討經營模式的新作法 —非營利組織的經營為例

A study on business operation model by value matrix -- illustrated by example of the charitable institution "Unitedway

指導教授 : 黃崇興
共同指導教授 : 湯明哲(Ming-Je Tang)


企業經由目標市場區隔決定其價值定位,再藉由價值定位選擇一組適當的價值活動,讓企業能夠實現目標區隔客戶在意的價值,並因而獲致利益。 本研究探討企業如何從價值定位決定適當的價值活動,歸納出不同的價值定位是藉著強調客戶取得與運用產品過程之不同階段。另外也歸納出不同價值定位讓企業對六個影響客戶認知價值的向度(產品、價格、可及性、可靠性、消費環境、與貼心服務)有不同偏重。利用客戶取得與運用產品過程的各個階段與六個影響認知價值的向度所構成的矩陣(價值矩陣),企業可以從其價值定位找出一組適當的價值活動。 慈善團體的運作,基本上如同企業的經營,只是產品價值屬於心理性,異於一般商業產品的功能性價值。本研究另外也對慈善團體的產品與產品價值做探討,將不同學者的研究以馬斯絡的『需求層級理論』為架構,做成歸納與對照;加上從資訊不對稱角度,提供如何強化捐款者認知價值的作法,其中,客戶取得與運用產品的整個過程(稱為『客戶的全程經驗』)扮演重要角色。 最後透過網路,以滾雪球抽樣(snowball sampling)方式進行捐款者行為的問卷調查,共回收2218份有效問卷。用問卷結果輔助說明中華社會聯合勸募協會(簡稱聯勸)可以如何從價值定位與價值矩陣,決定適當的價值活動。並且對勸募的捐款者人口統計特質、捐款者在意的價值活動、對應的聯勸內部流程、以及需改善或新建構的重點,做一個整體的建議。


A company defines its value proposition(s) through target market segmentation, and based on such value proposition(s), it can further identify a set of effective value activities which allow company to profit by realizing the values that the customers of the target segments concern. The purpose of this study is to understand how a company determines its constructive value activities through value proposition(s). It is found that different value propositions are made in response to the different phases of the customer product experience from planning his/her need(s), recognizing and searching a suitable product, using and upgrading a product. Also, the results indicate that different value propositions have different emphases on the six factors influencing customers’ value recognition, that is, product, price, accessibility, reliability, consumption environment and service. According to the value matrix structured on different phases of the customer product experience and the six value factors, a company can identify a set of constructive value activities based on its value proposition(s). A charitable institution is similar to an enterprise in terms of operation. But its product value is psychological in nature, different from the functional value of most commercial products. Thus, this study also aims at examining the product(s) and product value(s) of a charitable institution. The findings reveal that the customer product experience plays a key role in enhancing donators’ value recognition. To investigate the behavior of donators, a questionnaire using snowball sampling method was posted on the Internet.. A total of 2,218 valid questionnaires were collected, which are useful in illustrating how Unitedway can identifies its constructive value activities from its value proposition(s) and value matrix. Recommendations are given to Unitedway on how to improve its essential internal processes or other functional mechanisms with consideration of the characteristics of the donators and the value activities interesting the donators.


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