  • 學位論文


Exploring Spatial Justice: A Case of Taipei Dome Complex

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


本文將以松菸巨蛋的建造過程,分析晚近都市公共空間中,綠色論述與環保意識作為政治動員,挑戰既有規劃與脈絡,公園論述在如何的脈絡下得以行使,而大巨蛋以棒球和體育場館為主的政治動員又如何成為相對強勢而排擠綠色公園論述,並援引Soja(2010)提出的空間正義中,採用空間─社會─歷史的辯證關係探討巨蛋空間生產。 棒球在台灣不只是職業運動,更是國族主義的象徵,而台灣多雨的氣候與場館的不足下,巨蛋(室內棒球場)應運而生。然而,棒球運動在台灣的發展始終無法支撐一座巨型室內運動場的經營;再者,巨蛋光選址就因政治與經費問題而耗費十數年,最後選擇松山菸廠,並決議採行BOT的方式開發。但在缺乏溝通與倉促決策下,地方居民與環保團體則以生活品質、環境訴求與歷史脈絡提出原地保留森林公園為訴求。 因此,本研究將處理為何在需求不足下歷任首長皆排除萬難興建巨蛋?又為何採BOT開發?私部門企業如何被吸引?在地居民的反抗與環團的團體連結過程?市府、企業、居民與環團之間的互動與矛盾?最後,分析建造過程中公園的需求為何在政治動員中成為相對弱勢,而體育館位在主流位置,藉以探討都市公共空間塑造中的動員與想像。 研究結果,市府莫不在選舉與城市競爭壓力下進行巨蛋的興建工作,但採行BOT除考量興建與營運效率。各方行動者的互動中,呈現應為最終負責人的市府退位與開發單位溝通,居民與環團對政府的潛在不信任。而公園在政治動員下,由於政治權力的行使、規劃正當性以及私有產權為出發點的市民觀感,都將公園論述推向相對弱勢。


This thesis analyzes green discourse and environment protection as political mobilization in lately production of urban public space by the construction of Taipei Dome and how the political mobilization focusing on Dome as an indoor baseball stadium is comparatively so strong that the green park discourse is excluded. I apply the idea from Soja(2010), which publish the triple dialect in historicality-sociality-spatiality. Baseball is not only a professional sport but also a symbol of nationalism, so dome is necessary in rainy Taiwan. However, the baseball market in Taiwan is unable to feet the need of dome. On top of that, it cast ten years in the selection of site for politic and budget. In the end, government choose Songshan Tabaco Factory and constructed it by BOT(build, operate, translate). But, owing to lack of negotiation and mindless decision, local residents and environmental group apply to reserve the place as city central park for living quality, environmental friendly and place context. Therefore, this research handle why mayors try every possible way to construct dome in short of need? Why by BOT? What is the connection between local residents and environmental groups? What are the conflicts between local government, company, local residents and environmental groups. Finally, how the need of park is comparatively weaker the the discourse of dome to answer the mobilization and spatial imagination in urban public space? The conclusion is as followed: local government would construct dome under the pressure of election and city competition; the reason why take BOT as construction way is to take care of managing efficiency, central-local government relation and budget check. In the interaction between actors, local government retreat its responsibility. There is potential mistrust in local residents and environmental groups to government. The park discourse is comparatively weaker for the ultimate state power, legitimacy of planning and the supreme idea of pursuit of real state.


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