  • 學位論文


A Study on the Plurality of Creditors in International Instruments

指導教授 : 陳自強


複數主體之債一向被認為是極為複雜難解的領域,其下又有較熟為人知的多數債務人,以及較少被研究的多數債權人,本文研究之對象乃後者。多數債權人濫觴於羅馬法時代,主要以給付性質可分與否定性特定多數債權關係應該適用何種預設規範,而經過歐陸普通法時期乃至於現代契約法的演變,多數債權的分類依據已不再以給付性質為核心,尤其在國際商事規範的脈絡下,以當事人之約定取代法規範之預設後,當事人應自行選定最有利於個案交易模式之多數債權類型,而不同類型之分類依據則基於多數債權人以及債務人等主體之間的權利行使方式,即債務人應對孰履行義務,孰又得對債務人提出履行請求。 為了解國際契約法發展趨勢中關於多數債權人較新且具有跨國契約法統合性的見解,本論文主要透過研究三份國際契約法統一文件(歐洲契約法通則、共同參考架構草案及國際商事契約通則)對於多數債權人之規範,針對多數債權分類、成立要件、對外效力及對內效力等等細節規定進行比較,同時輔以英美法多數債權規範之研究,分析歸納出以上規範之異同及背後之法理脈絡。並將試以國際契約法統一文件之規範觀點分析我國民法所規範之多數債權人。 國際契約法統一文件主要將多數債權分為分別債權、連帶債權以及共同債權三類,分別債權為傳統上是預設多數債權類型,且以給付不可分為前提;連帶債權為實務上最少見但規範最為詳細的多數債權類型,其中對外效力之規範為比較三文件之重點;共同債權以債務人對全體共同債權人履行義務為義務完成之要件,且共同債權人原則上應以全體請求債務人履行義務之方始行使債權,因體現出多數債權下共同權利行使之特性,可能取代分別債權成為未來的多數債權預設類型。


Plurality of debtors and creditors has long been regarded as the most complicated topic within the realm of private law. This topic covers the well-known disputes concerning the plurality of debtors as well as the less known regulations of the plurality of creditors, this thesis conducted its research on the latter. The regulations on the plurality of creditors can be traced back to the Roman law era, back then the type of plurality and the entailed presumption regulations were determined by the divisibility of the performance. After the legal transformation that has taken place during the Ius Commune era all the way to the nowadays modern contract law, the key element of plurality type categorization no longer rests on divisibility. Especially along the vein of international trade regulations, legal presumptions are mostly replaced by contract parties’ choice, the partakers of a contract should choose for themselves whichever type of plurality that serves the purpose of their end goal the best. Hence, different types of plurality designate different regulations concerning the legal effects between the creditors and the debtor, essentially who should the debtor perform to and who of all the creditors can require the debtor to perform. To understand the developing patterns and regulations of international contract law concerning the plurality of creditors, this thesis conducts a research focused mainly on the international uniform instruments, the PECL, the DCFR and the PICC with a secondary research material of Common Law (Anglo-American Law). This thesis compared the regulatory details of these instruments concerning the categorization of the plurality of creditors, the elements of each type as well as the external and internal legal effects of the acts from the creditors of different types of plurality and gave a deductive analysis on the pattern behind these instruments and utilize the end result to form a perspective representing the uniform instruments. It eventually apply this perspective to conduct and analytical observance on the current design of the plurality of creditors system that lies within the Taiwan Civil Code. The PECL, the DCFR and the PICC all categorized the types of plurality into three models, separate (divided) claims, solidary (joint and several) claims and communal (joint) claims. Separate claims are the traditional presumption model which demand the prerequisite of divisible performances. Solidary claims are most rare in cases but enjoy the most detailed regulations, the external effects regulations comparative analysis here is to be emphasized. Communal claims possess the unique regulations that require the debtor to perform to all creditors instead of only one of them and principally require all creditors to exercise their right to performance as a whole instead of individually. The feature of community expressed by the communal claims type shed light on the core value of plurality of creditors and thus render this type a possible new presumption model to replace the old presumption model, separate claims, in the future.


1. 王澤鑑 (2014),《民法物權》,四版,臺北:自版。
2. 史尚寬 (1954),《債法總論(下冊)》,臺北:自版。
3. 林誠二 (2010) ,《債法總論新解(下)》,初版,臺北:瑞興。
