  • 學位論文

臺大醫療體系成員醫院策略分析 —以臺大醫院雲林分院為例

Strategic Analysis of Member Hospitals of National Taiwan University Medical System—Taking National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch as an Example

指導教授 : 許文馨


組織轉型是一項富挑戰性且不容易成功的工作,方向感的確立,向心力的凝聚及使命目標的達成,一關卡一關。尤其在資本市場下的社會主義全民健保制度的醫院經營,對規模不大、地處偏僻、招募醫師困難的醫院,是很大的挑戰。 2004年當時的署立雲林醫院就是面對以上的問題,為了解決雲林縣醫療資源缺乏,衛生署進行改善公立醫院多元經營計劃,其中一個方案就是將署立醫院交由醫學中心來經營。署立雲林醫院在此歷史背景下,因緣際會幸運地由臺大醫院學院附設醫院來承接,成為臺大醫院醫療體系的第一個分院。所以本篇是以個案醫院-台大醫院雲林分院為例,探討組織改制後,如何經由推動策略地圖、平衡計分卡,文化融合、學習成長。 在不同領導者的領導風格下,醫院改制順利,成為雲林縣醫療的龍頭,提供醫學中心級的醫療服務。本研究透過個案分析分享此醫院經營成功的經驗。


Organizational transformation is a challenging task that is not easy to succeed. The establishment of a sense of direction, the cohesion of the force and the achievement of mission goals are all in one level. In particular, the operation of hospitals under the socialist Taiwan national health insurance system under the capital market poses a great challenge to hospitals that are small in scale, remote and difficult to recruit doctors. In 2004, the Yunlin Hospital of the Department of Health at the time was faced with the above problems. In order to solve the shortage of medical resources in Yunlin County, the Department of Health carried out a plan to improve the diversified operation of public hospitals. One of the plans was to transfer the hospital to the medical center for operation. Under this historical background, Yunlin Hospital was fortunately undertaken by the affiliated hospital of the National Taiwan University Hospital and became the first branch hospital of the medical system of the National Taiwan University Hospital. Therefore, this article takes the case hospital -National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch as an example to discuss how to promote strategic maps and balanced scorecards to promote cultural integration and learning growth after the organizational restructuring. Under the leadership styles of different leaders, the hospital has been restructured smoothly, forming the local medical leader, providing medical center-level medical care, and sharing the successful experience of this hospital through case analysis.


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