  • 學位論文


Site selection analysis for Environmental Education─ The case study of Taipei Water Resource Domain

指導教授 : 游以德


環境教育是近年來最熱門的話題,由於地球環境遭受到嚴重的破壞,因此,產生地球許多嚴重的災變,像是異常以及極端氣候,造成山崩、土石流、物種滅絕等無法彌補的生態和環境問題。 所以,在人們使用土地,走進大自然的同時,應該以正確、正面的心態,在感受大自然的美麗的同時 ,也要瞭解應該要怎麼保護我們的環境資源和生態資源。因此,近年來大力推廣的環境教育,利用環境教育場址,在活動的體驗以及學習中,改變個人觀念以及發自內心去愛護和尊重環境。 台北水源特定區為台北地區最重要的自然環境保護區,由於在早期特定區的規劃中,已經劃入管理保護的範圍,因此,特定區內擁有豐富的動植物以及自然資源,而且距離台北都會區不遠,還有便利的路網可以進入,藉由開放特定區的資源給民眾作為環境教育以及生態導覽將會是一個相當好的位置。 本研究的主要目的 1. 收集台北水源特定區內的各種資料,藉由實地收集以及文獻回顧和資料統整,以不同的環境教育資源討論以及分類,建構出水源特定區之資料庫,並且利用地理資訊系統,將所有的資料以數位化的方式儲存,便利於日後做查詢以及應用。 2. 經由資料庫的內容作地圖分析與查詢等,配合資料分類處理,應用GIS軟體之分析功能,以環域分析檢查水源特定區內的場址,討論有關其分類模式以及GIS在環境教育場址選址的應用和選擇之適用性。 3. 由分類的資料以及GIS的分析,瞭解各個場址適用在環境教育中的類別以及規劃,確立此模式對於環境教育選址的可行性。


Abstract The Environmental education is popular issue in these year, many of people notice about this activity. Human activities destroy the environment and make intense and unnormal change of climate then that result a lot of terrible events, such as landslide, debris flow, mud flow, and species are in threat of extinction. People have to know how to protect our environment when they using land, visit nature. We have to face the question positively. The best way is education and that is the reason of popularity of environmental education. Taipei Water Resource Domain is the best location to be an Environmental education site for people who lives in Taipei city. There is plenty natural resource and biodiversity here and high density net road then other natural place. It is very convenience for people who visit here from Taipei city. According to open the area for public to be a environmental education site, it will create more valuation for the environment. The missions completed this thesis: 1. To design the classification criterion of natural and artificial culture resources in Taipei Water Resource Domain and using geographic information system (GIS) to structure and manage database for future inventory and research a site of Environmental Education. 2. Using GIS tool to do analysis of database for understanding applicability of the data in Taipei Water Resource Domain. 3. According to the classification and GIS analysis, to know categories and planning of environmental education of various sites, and then to make sure the feasibility of the model for determining different environmental education site.


嚴凱強 (2003),山坡地發展休閒農業區選址評估模式之研究—以台中縣和平鄉
吳淑淨 (2010),台灣西部傳統零售市場選址之研究-以童裝成衣業為例,臺灣大
