  • 學位論文

從Amartya Sen之正義觀檢視台灣國家疫苗政策-以HPV疫苗為例

A review of Taiwan’s national vaccination policy from Amartya Sen’s approach to justice-- a case study of HPV vaccine

指導教授 : 楊銘欽


2006年,第一支號稱可以防癌的HPV疫苗(人類乳突病毒疫苗,俗稱子宮頸癌疫苗)正式在美國上市。在台灣,HPV疫苗於同年10月上市後,對於是否應該納入公費全面施打也引發許多爭議,各界的質疑包括疫苗的有效免疫期未知、長期安全性尚未確立、無急迫性、缺乏全面的政策評估及後續追蹤等。然而,隨著醫療科技的進步,未來可預期將會有越來越多不同種類及目的的疫苗被研發,在資源有限的情況之下,面對各種不同目的之疫苗的出現,應如何作出符合醫療資源分配正義之政策決定將成為一重要課題。 本論文的研究目的,在於藉由檢視HPV疫苗政策制定過程中的各項爭議,釐清現行台灣國家疫苗政策從制定、執行至後續評估等若干制度問題,並嘗試提出政策建議供政策決策者參考。本研究以「文獻回顧」、「深度訪談」及「參與觀察法」等作為主要研究方法。為求完整,特別針對政府官員、學者專家及不同組織行動者進行深度訪談,並以「主題分析法」做有系統的彙整與歸納,完整的分析國家疫苗政策制定過程的動態關係。希冀本研究之結果可以提供國家未來規劃導入新疫苗政策時應注意之面向,讓資源的分配在符合效率之外也能更為公平。 研究初步發現,雖然台灣疫苗政策制度在形式上相當程度已具備WHO在2005年所提出的疫苗政策指引建議,包括國家應設有監管機構、疫苗接種諮詢委員會、健全監控及資訊系統等,但在實質上卻是問題重重。從HPV疫苗出現如此多爭議的情形來反思整體機制,除了有因人力財力不足而產生的缺乏後續監控及評估問題之外,另有下列現象:1. 傳染病防治諮詢委員會預防接種組(簡稱ACIP)未能充分行使其職權;2. 缺乏有效溝通;3. 政治力凌駕以實證為基礎之決策原則;4. 不信任的問題;以及5. 多元觀點的形成與挑戰。對此,本研究從Amartya Sen以社會選擇理論為路徑的正義觀,對政府及關心此議題之NGO提出下列政策建議:1. ACIP委員需要更多元化並與醫藥科技評估(HTA)合作;2. 更高層級的討論資源分配並強化及整合現有資源;3. 建立外部監督及民間發起參與式民主之機制。


In 2006 , U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA)approved the first preventive HPV vaccine, Gardasil. Four months later, the Government of Taiwan approved the vaccine as well. However, it soon became a controversial issue whether this vaccine should be part of the national immunization program in Taiwan. With the advancement in biotech, it can be expected to have more vaccine with different purposes available in the near future. How the vaccination policy should be drafted and how priority should be justified will become an important issue. This study tries to clarify the current national immunization program in Taiwan and its policy-making process by reviewing the HPV vaccine policy. This study adopted literature review, in-depth interviews, as well as field observation in collecting information. With thematic analysis done by a systematic collection, the result of this study may provide new insights to the decision maker when drafting the national immunization program in the future. Preliminary research reveals that even though Taiwan’s vaccine policy is equipped with the framework mandated by WHO, such as for government to provide national regulatory authorities, advisory committees, sound monitoring and information systems, in reality, however, many structural hurdles still exist. Given the controversies stemming from the HPV vaccine policy, there are opportunities for further review. In addition to the issues related to follow-up monitoring and review which were due to the lack of human and financial resources, there are also signs pointing to the following issues: 1) inability for the ACIP to enforce its mandate, 2) mis-communications, 3) political interference override evidence-based policy making principle, 4) lack of trust in government bodies, and 5) challenges of diverse perspectives. Based on Amartya Sen’s idea of justice, this paper makes the following policy suggestions: 1) the ACIP could have more diversified members and to build partnership with HTA, 2) additional support from higher level to better consolidate existing resources, 3) initiate external monitoring process overseen by civilian organizations.


