  • 學位論文


Study on the Collation of Yi Li in the Qing Dynasty:Focus on Lu Wenchao,Ruan Yuan and Cao Yuanbi’s Interpretation

指導教授 : 趙飛鵬


清人校勘學集前人校勘之大成,並有長足的進步,成為校勘學發展的高峰時期。同時,清代《儀禮》學之盛,堪稱空前。不但名家大著,層出不窮,而且有清一代,從張爾岐(1612——1678)、顧炎武(1613——1682)開始,及至清末孫詒讓(1848——1908)、曹元弼(1867——1953)等人,校勘此書者代不乏人,成就斐然。清人的校勘學成就,《儀禮》足為範型。本文即以清代《儀禮》校勘學為研究對象,選擇盧文弨(1717——1795)《儀禮注疏詳校》、阮元(1764——1849)《儀禮石經校勘記》和曹元弼《禮經校釋》三書為討論中心,力圖較為全面的理清其興起的原因、特點、得失和影響;並以此切入,實現對清代學術史、文獻學研究的關照和考量。 本文結構,從探討清代《儀禮》校勘興起的背景開始。對此問題,著者一改過去僅僅從考據學興起去討論校勘學興起的背景這一模式,改以內外兩種思路,認為清代《儀禮》校勘學是在《儀禮》文本內在要求、清代禮學思潮的興起和漢學典範的形成三種內外因素的交織下方始興起,並從清初發展到乾嘉之際,開創一條獨屬於清代學術特色的《儀禮》校勘之學。因此,伴隨著三大背景而來的清代《儀禮》校勘學,亦自然擁有了「求文本之真」、「求經世之用」、「求立說之是」與「立新疏之基」的四層目的。 同時,本文所討論之人物,從時間上說,已屆乾隆後期,代表了《儀禮》校勘走向全盛時的成就。而在此之前,清人對於《儀禮》的校勘,已有了一定的積累,這些成果,雖沒有乾隆後期所取得之大,卻為校勘學的全面興盛進行了準備,對後人的研究具有一定的影響,故於討論背景之際一併申論之。 盧文弨身當漢學初起之際,致力群書校勘。其《儀禮注疏詳校》一書首次全面的整理了《儀禮》經、注、疏三個系統,開清人校勘注疏之風、第一次釐清了《釋文》與注疏的離合問題、首次全面評價了朱子對《儀禮》研究的功過和靈活運用內外證相結合,更注重內證的校勘方法四個方面的貢獻,不但立一代校勘之規,成為日後阮元《儀禮注疏校勘記》的重要來源,其中對於《儀禮》經義的闡發,亦影響胡培翬、曹元弼之撰述,堪稱清代《儀禮》校勘的典範之作。 阮元《儀禮石經校勘記》雖然卷帙簡短,奉詔於官,且單校經文,但在整個《儀禮》學的發展和校勘所取得的成績上,恰處於漢學興起,學界對於恢復經書古本方興未艾之際。日後主持編纂《十三經注疏校勘記》,兩者之間自然關係密切;而其對石經的校勘,又為日後嚴可均、馮登府等人所繼承,進一步擴大了清代石經學的發展;最後,阮元在書中所表現出的對於恢復《儀禮》經文原貌的初衷,對殿本的態度、對敖繼公亂改經文的不滿和批判,都鮮明的體現了清代《儀禮》校勘學的根本目的和學術追求。 曹元弼《禮經校釋》作為晚清《儀禮》研究的殿軍之作,其中觀念和方法,可以視為對清代二百年禮學研究和校勘學研究成果的總結,尤其運用禮例的「推比勘誤」之法成為此書的一大特色。作為禮學專家,其對《儀禮》的校勘與其經學觀念之間存在緊密的聯繫。就校勘而言,曹氏雖有意圖還原賈《疏》的原貌,但先已預存了賈《疏》「誤者十之二,不誤者十之八」,「學者當依文剖裂,以雪其誣,不得遂以為非」的經學觀念,導致曹氏在具體實踐中,並不能完全做到校勘學「存真復原」的根本任務。從釋義的層面來說,其釋義往往從鄭學的立場出發,未能做到實事求是。從正面而言,固然可以發鄭《注》之微義,糾前人之失;反面在於過尊導致曲護,少察其失,違背了現代學術的客觀、求是的宗旨。同時偏信周公制禮的傳統觀念,嚴重影響了其對許多問題的判斷,而流於主觀。作為研究者而言,對其立場應抱同情之理解,然對具體之成果,則要科學分析。 最後,綜合討論清代《儀禮》校勘學的特色、影響與不足,望能從中發掘出清人《儀禮》校勘的某些共性。指出今古文的校勘和運用禮例校勘兩點,乃清人《儀禮》校勘區別於其他經書的重要特色。在《儀禮》文本的整理、校勘理論和方法以及學術史層面,清人《儀禮》校勘影響深遠。然而版本收集未全、以「小學校經」方法的不足,尤其是尊經的觀念和由此而來的主觀立場,亦成為制約清人校勘向前一步發展的屏障。


The Qing Dynasty's Collation is the highest level in ancient times. At the same time, the prosperity of the "Yi Li"(儀禮)in the Qing Dynasty was unprecedented. Not only are famous masters, but there are many generations, and there are Qing Dynasty generations, starting from Zhang ErQi(張爾岐,1612——1678)and Gu Yanwu(顧炎武,1613——1682), and to the late Qing Dynasty, Sun Yirang(孫詒讓,1848——1908), Cao Yuanbi(曹元弼)and others. The colleague of this book has no shortage of people and has achieved great success. The achievements of the Qing Dynasty's collation, "Yi Li"(儀禮)is a paradigm. This article takes the "Yi Li" collation in the Qing Dynasty as the research object, and chooses Lu Wenchao(盧文弨,1717——1795) " Yi Li Zhushu XiangJiao"(儀禮注疏詳校), Ruan Yuan(阮元,1764 ——1849) " Yi Li Shijing JiaoKanJi"(儀禮石經校勘記) and Cao YuanBi (曹元弼,1867——1953) "LiJing JiaoShi"(禮經校釋).The three books of the Book of Corrections are the discussion center, trying to comprehensively clarify the reasons, characteristics, gains and losses and influences of its rise; and to cut through, to realize the care of the academic history and philology of the Qing Dynasty. The structure of this paper begins with a discussion of the background of the rise of the ceremonial ceremonies in the Qing Dynasty. On this issue, the author changed the past model from the rise of textual research(考據學)to discuss the background of the rise of collusion, and changed the internal and external ideas to think that the Qing Dynasty "Yi Li" collation was within the requirements of the "Yi Li" text. The rise of the ritual trend of thought in the Qing Dynasty and the formation of the model of sinology began to rise under the intertwining of three internal and external factors, and from the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the time of Qian Jia(乾嘉), the creation of a ceremonial study of the ceremonial ceremonies of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty "Yi Li" collation with the three backgrounds naturally has the four purposes of "seeking truth"(求文本之真), "seeking for use"(求經世之用), "seeking right"(求立說之是)and "seeking newness"(求新疏之基). At the same time, the characters discussed in this article, from the time point of view, have been in the late Qianlong(乾隆)period, representing the achievements of the "Yi Li" collation to the full prosperity. Prior to this, the Qing people had a certain accumulation of the collation of "Yi Li". These achievements, although not achieved in the late Qianlong period, were prepared for the full prosperity of the collation, and the study of future generations It has a certain influence, so it is discussed together at the time of discussion. Lu Wenchao was at the beginning of Sinology and devoted himself to group collation. For the first time, the book " Yi Li Zhushu XiangJiao " comprehensively compiled the three systems of the "Yi Li"Scripture(經文), annotation(注解), and Shu(疏文), and opened the clearing of the Zhu shu(注疏) collation, and for the first time clarified the issue of the "JingDianShiWen"(經典釋文) and the notes on the separation. For the first time, he comprehensively evaluated Zhu Zi's(朱子) contribution to the study of "Yi Li" and the combination of internal and external evidence, and more emphasis on the internal proof of the four methods of collation, not only to establish a generation of collation rules, but also become the future of the instrument An important source of the essay, which also affects the interpretation of the rituals of "Yi Li", also affects the writings of Hu Peihui(胡培翬)and Cao Yuanbi(曹元弼), and is a model of the "Yi Li" collation in the Qing Dynasty. Although Ruan Yuan’s "YiLi ShiJing JiaoKanJi" is short, and ordered by the government, only collation "Yi Li"Scripture .But in the development of the entire "Yi Li" study and the results of the collation, it is just in the rise of Sinology, the academic circle for recovery The book is in the ascendant. In the future, he presided over the compilation of the "ShiSanJing Zhushu JiaoKanJi"(十三經注疏校勘記), and the relationship between the two was closely related; and the collation of the Shijing(石經)was inherited by Yan Kejun(嚴可均)and Feng Dengfu(馮登府) in the future, further expanding the development of Shijingxue in the Qing Dynasty. In the end, the original intention of the Ruan Yuan in the book to restore the original appearance of the "Yi Li" scriptures, the attitude towards the temple, and the dissatisfaction and criticism of Ao JiGong(敖繼公) chaos and reform of the scriptures clearly reflect the Qing Dynasty. The fundamental purpose and academic pursuit of ceremonies. Cao Yuanbi's " LiJing JiaoShi " is the work of the Temple of the Army in the study of the "Yi Li" in the late Qing Dynasty.The concepts and methods, Can be regarded as a summary of the research results of the two hundred years of ritual studies and collation studies in the Qing Dynasty. In particular, the use of the Ritual Rules (禮例)"comparison and correction method"(推比勘誤), which is not completely similar to traditional Lijiao method(理校法).The method is excellently demonstrated in emendation work, yet sometimes seriously deficient. Lastly, Cao's emendation work is related to his thinking of Confucian Classics, by which his view was deeply influenced. As a researcher, he should have a sympathetic understanding of his position, but a scientific analysis of specific results. Finally, a comprehensive discussion of the characteristics and deficiencies of the "Yi Li" collation in the Qing Dynasty, it is hoped that some commonalities of the Qing Dynasty "Yi Li" collation can be discovered. For collation "Yi Li Jin Gu Wen"(儀禮今古文) and use of the Ritual Rules are The biggest feature of Qing Dynasty. In the Arrangement of "Yi Li" texts,abundant Collation theory and method,promote the study of academic history, it’s have a huge contribution.However, the lack of collection of methods and the lack of methods, especially the concept of respect for the JingXue(經學)and the subjective position thus emerged, have also become a barrier to the development of the Qing Dynasty.


