  • 學位論文


Investigating Enacted Organizational Culture and Employee Organizational Commitment of the Case Corporation: Using a Business Unit as Study Sample

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


本研究欲探討案例公司組織文化之實踐與成員組織承諾,及兩者間的關係,首先透過量化研究方法,以事業單位成員為樣本,發出調查問卷150份,回收106份,有效回收率為70%,以描述性統計、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析法進行分析,瞭解該案例公司組織文化之實踐與成員組織承諾之現況,以及成員知覺組織文化之實踐與其組織承諾之關聯性。其次,透過質性研究方法,針對各層級成員以深度訪談法深入了解該案例公司組織文化的實踐情形,以及受訪者對於提升組織文化實踐的建議方案。 研究顯示案例公司組織文化之實踐,誠信正直最高,自主當責次之,創新則為最低。成員對組織承諾的看法,以情感性承諾的同意程度最高,持續性承諾次之,規範性承諾則為最低分。進一步分析,成員對創新文化實踐之知覺與其組織承諾有正向關係。經由訪談得知,創新在案例公司不同職級對其定義及應展現之行為有所出入,在定義不清且做法不明的情況下,難以有普遍性、一致性的作為;因此本研究建議,管理層與高階主管應著重於制度及方案的建立,中階主管及一般職則是應著重在核心DNA的宣導以及主管的涉入程度,尤其是主管自身的示範作用以及引導作用。


The aim of this research is to investigate the enacted organizational culture, employee organizational commitment, and the relationship between the two of the case corporation. Using employees of a business unit as study sample, through quantitative approach, 150 questionnaires were sent out and 106 responses were received. The response rate is 70%. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis were used to understand the current situation of the company's enacted organizational culture and employee organizational commitment, as well as the relationship between members' perceptions of enacted organizational culture and their organizational commitment. Secondly, through the qualitative approach, in-depth interview with members from different levels was used to understand employees’ perceptions of enacted organizational culture and their suggestions for improving enacted value of organizational cultures. The research results showed that the highest score of dimensions of enacted organizational culture for the case corporation is integrity, the second highest is accountability, and the lowest one is innovation. The highest score of the dimensions of members' organizational commitments was affective commitment, the second highest was continuance commitments, and lowest one is normative commitments. Furthermore, members' perceptions of enacted innovation culture was positively correlated to organizational commitment. According to interview results, there are different definitions and codes of conduct on innovation among different levels. With unclear definitions and codes of conduct, it is difficult to arrive at consistent behaviors inside the organization. Therefore, this study suggests that top management and senior executives should focus on the establishment of systems and programs. The middle-level supervisors and employees should focus on the promotion of core DNAs and the involvement of supervisors, especially on their acting as role models and a guiding role for subordinates.


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