  • 學位論文


Hypergraph: Representation, Signal Processing, Partitioning, Learning and Its Applications

指導教授 : 貝蘇章




圖論 超圖 超圖論 分割 信號處理 機器學習 應用


In modern society, various devices around us can generate a large amount of nonstructural data, and extracting information from these data is an important and valuable topic. Hypergraphs are a special kind of data representation. Compared to a graph, each hyperedge in a hypergraph can connect more than two nodes, so it is more flexible in data organization than a traditional graph. In addition, hypergraphs can systematically organize multi-modal data together and extract information. In this thesis, we will start with graphs and then further introduce the algebraic representation of hypergraphs and their properties. On the basis of these representations, various theories of hypergraphs are further introduced, such as hypergraph signal processing, segmentation on hypergraphs for grouping, and hypergraph machine learning. Since it takes a lot of time and space to obtain the bases on a high-dimensional hypergraph tensor, which makes it costly to do signal processing on large hypergraphs, we propose a method called pseudo bases to skip the evaluation of the tensor bases. Finally, it is shown how these theories can be applied to solve problems encountered in life, such as image processing applications.


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