  • 學位論文


Structural Analysis and Competence Dynamics of Digital Signage Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲


“Digital Signage”中英文譯名可能在國內還無統一,但本研究仍將其中文翻譯為「數為顯訊器」。事實上,它早已成為大眾聚集的場所隨處可見的大型平面顯示器,播放廣告、資訊和娛樂的多媒體視聽系統,甚至在美國更認為它與平面報章、電臺、電視和網際網路並列,稱之為「第五媒體」。換言之,所謂的數為顯訊器並非創新技術下的產品,而是因應大眾傳播走向分眾傳播的趨勢下,為了適應資訊的新傳播方式和大眾生活習慣的轉變因而形成的創新媒體經營概念,因而在關鍵應用市場茁壯,因此,被視為家外媒體新成員的數位顯訊系統,初期能夠吸引到看膩了傳統大眾媒體的群眾注意,確實滿足廣告主在選擇媒體上的新訴求:「不要貪大,要求準—直接面對特定關鍵客群。」 根據iSuppli公司估計,2004年全球零售業採用數為顯訊(Digital Signage)系統看板下所帶動出顯示器總產值為664 百萬美元,預期此市場至2009年持續成長到23.5 億美元,從2004年起年複合成長率可達20%,相較於2004年美國整體家外媒體市場成長率6%,足以見得其市場發展潛力龐大,可預期在2005年以後一年內將是全球 Digital Signage市場急速起飛的年代。 時至今日,主要成長瓶頸在於初期導入成本太高、無法擺脫大眾媒體經營模式以及缺乏一套客觀的衡量指標等困難,但是在國內、外,設備顯示終端產品乃至系統解決方案都已經不再是概念上的發展障礙,也因需求帶動產業的快速興起,其相關業者也從累積的經驗中,亦能找出較明確的道路,持續擴張。 因此,本研究更利用各項產業分析與策略相關理論配合相關產業新聞、個案公司-研華科技訪談資料為輔,可得出以下六大發現與結論,為處於萌芽階段勾勤出完整產業演進與動態圖:1、本質上是影音廣播媒體的重新定位,在分眾傳播的興起下滲透到每一個新興的家外與商用市場,成為家外媒體經營的最佳選擇。2、由傳統廣播媒體的主從關係概念所延伸而來,系統整合商與內容供應商為產業內可掌握最大價值的兩大廠商。3、必須結合不同的元件與服務一起共同運作以創造價值,策略合作已成為產業發展的關鍵。4、市場正值高速成長,但機會窗口短暫,必須搶得立定基礎的先佔優勢。5、各種應用利基型市場具有多元化的需求內涵,強調供需雙方緊密的互動合作關係,則會加速跨越成長限制上的鴻溝。6、面對PC與多媒體播放混合機種的替代威脅,但創新媒體通路概念下,除了功能優越性外,最重要的是使用者認為是否有利可圖。


There are no identical definition and consistent translation for “Digital Signage” system in Taiwan, but in my research it is still translated into the Chinese language in terms of its generally-called title and functions. Actually, the digital signage market is gaining more credibility and visibility as an increasing number of commercial establishments are implementing digital signage for information, advertisements and entertainment with large flat displays. What is more, keeping abreast of the mess media, it is viewed as the fifth media channel. In other words, digital signage systems, not the technical breakthrough but the innovative media distribution with several technologies integrated effectively, are accounting progressively for the majority of the out of home media market in order to respond well to the challenging shifts in delivery and reception of messages. Therefore, they appear to the dynamic media solution to advertisers’ need to target the right message to a specific audience, who get fed up with jammed ads on the popular media. In 2004, the total value of displays in the worldwide retail signage market amounted to $664 million, iSuppli Corporation estimates. The market will grow to $2.35 billion in 2009, rising at a compound annual growth rate of 20 percent from 2004. Compared to the entire out of home media industry growing at a slower rate of 6 percent in U.S., it obviously shows that the digital signage market will continue to be expending with enormous potentiality. Accordingly, it is expected that the digital signage system is going to remain the most popular sign in out of home advertisement and to grow strongly to maturity during next few years. For all its benefits, digital signage is not without its disadvantages. Chief among these is cost, in addition to the lack of objective index to measurement and customized business models and so on. At this point, the major factor slowing adoption of digital signage is time-time for relative businesses to validate its use in their own environments. However, large numbers of installations are an issue not of “if” but of “when” by offering total solutions, whether in the world or in Taiwan. To date, high percentage penetrations of key markets continue to identify more concrete business drivers for rapid adoption of digital signage and to cumulate experiences to provide insights for the development of new products and service in this space. Despite these macro-economic and short-term obstacles, my research consequently paints a compelling picture that the long-term outlook for the digital signage industry is highly positive by means of leveraging relevant strategic theories, industrial news and interviews with senior managers in ADVANTECH. As a result, it is concluded that marketers need to bear in mind six keys to success that are generally simple in concept but often difficult in execution: 1. Repositioning from broadcasting media, turkey solutions must be highly targeted in terms of both commercial and public niches/applications to be the best choice of out of home media. 2. Extending from the traditional concept of the client-server relationship in mess media industry, system integrators and content providers will gain great controls and profits over other players in the value net of digital signage systems. 3. Most approaches will require an effective array of partners and components for success. 4. Critical market segments for digital signage is growing well and swiftly, but the opening window is such a short period that venders need to be fast movers to size the demand for enabling technologies and services. 5. Different segments have different needs to understand advertisers’ and brand managers’ perceptions, expectation, requirement, and plan for their digital signage system. 6. Facing the substitution from thin PC and various multimedia players, digital signage marketers must continue to support and even fund efforts to educate their adopters in order to convince them of having good prospects of gain.


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