  • 學位論文


Consumer Behaviors' Analysis in art House from the Life-Style Viewpoint

指導教授 : 徐木蘭 朱文儀


文化創意產業在台灣逐漸走向精緻與分眾的潮流。兼具「藝術」的文化傳遞價值與「電影」的娛樂體驗,藝術電影院結合各種古蹟美景與理念,反應出現代人渴盼更多元更豐富的休閒管道。 研究採取立意抽樣,以問卷調查方式,對在藝術電影院觀眾進行觀賞行為、生活型態、觀賞動機、影片評估準則及人口統計之調查。以生活型態作區隔,將250位藝術電影觀賞者分為「樸實無爭族」、「崇尚藝文族」和「活躍社交族」三個族群。樸實無爭族最常和同事同學一起觀賞藝術電影,觀賞動機與影片評估準則的要求也較低。崇尚藝文族的知識探索動機顯著的較他族強烈,認為導演、演員和影片來源國為是否觀看該電影時重要的考量,且喜歡一個人獨自前往觀賞藝術電影,亦是三個族群中觀賞次數最頻繁者。活躍社交族為了社交需求而前往電影院之動機較強烈,喜歡表現自我,讓藝術電影成為自己品味和與他人交談時的話題,較常和朋友一起前往藝術電影院。 本研究為一探索性研究,試圖勾勒出藝術電影觀賞者之輪廓,凸顯其與一般商業電影觀眾特性不同之處,以期能為藝術電影片商、藝術電影映演業者以及政府相關文化主管機構在未來進行藝術電影映演市場之相關策略規劃與行銷活動時參考之依據。


生活型態 術電影 AIO量表


Recently, the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan now begin the trend of segmentation and refinement. The Art Houses, which combine the cultural values of Art and the entertaining functions of cinema, are set up in many places in Taiwan these days. It shows that people need richer and more diversified activities in their leisure time. This research took the purposive sampling method to collect responses from audience from art theaters in Taipei about their motivations, criteria, and behaviors of art films. Then researcher used SPSS statistics software to do factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and the chi-square test to divide the audiences into different life-style groups. In general, the result shows the populations of art-house films audience are more than half is unmarried women whose age is between 20 to 30 years old. More than half response said they watched over 7 art films a year and joint the film-related events voluntarily. The most important motivations of art film audience are “knowledge-searching” and “excitement-searching.” The most important criteria in audiences’ minds are “skill to film,” “word-of-mouth effect,” and “introduction of film details.” About the lifestyle part, referred to AIO scale, this research extracted 7 factors: moralities insistent, financial satisfied, social contacts wanted, literature seeking, emotional satisfied, metropolis fashion, and convenience independent. According to the findings above, the research proposed 3 different life-style groups named “simple and plan people,” “art & literature-desired people,” and “active to interpersonal activity people.” The first group people often see art films with co-workers. The second group people has stronger knowledge-searching need significantly and introduction of film details would be their concern to decide see a movie of not; they prefer to see art films alone. The third group people join the film related more often than other 2 groups and feel the experience of art film watching could be part of their chat materials.


life-style AIO scale art house film


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18. 蔡筱薇(2004),藝術電影觀賞者之消費行為研究。台大商研所碩士論文,未出版。
6. Bordwell, D. (1985), ‘Narration in the Fiction Film,’ London: Methuen.
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