  • 學位論文


Procurement Strategies for High-Tech Manufacturing Plants

指導教授 : 荷世平


隨著新竹科學工業園區年產值於2004年正式突破1兆元,達1兆859億元後,台灣高科技產業的蓬勃發展除了再次創造舉世稱羨的奇蹟外,並已證明在全球高科技產業中佔有舉足輕重的地位。高科技產業成為台灣經濟命脈的地位也日益確立。 高科技產業由於投資金額龐大、設備界面複雜及產品生命週期短等特性,廠商一旦判斷未來產業前景可期時,無不希望能以最快的速度建廠、量產,以搶佔市場取得先機。儘管台灣在高科技廠房的興建上已累積了不少個案與經驗,但這些寶貴的經驗常因為商業機密的考量而無法彙整、討論與傳承。特別是發包策略的選擇,影響後續工程順利與否甚鉅。 本研究經由(1)國內外文獻彙整(2)簡易問卷調查(3)對實際參與建廠案之業主、設計單位、工程顧問、營造廠人員深度訪談等方式,對近幾年國內高科技廠房興建工程之執行狀況進行蒐集與整理。透過實際參與者的心得與經驗回饋,分析研究提出較佳之解決方案或決策思考模式,以為日後高科技產業建廠時能套用採行,維持產業之競爭優勢。 經由本研究之整理,分別依產業類型、建廠規模、製程設備、業主專業能力、專業營建管理等方面,歸納出幾點結論與建議: 1.依產業類型:同產業製程進化之建廠工程,因具邏輯一致性,依業主原經驗模式以專業分包執行為佳。搭配PCM協助界面整合,較能符合業主期望。 2.依建廠規模:工程規模小且複雜性低的個案,通常業主專業程度與編制人力較為不足,統包或總包模式,配合PCM協助,業主可降低風險達到預期目標。 3.依製程設備:因產業特性,製程設備常有機密考量且專業程度高,仍以專業分包模式切割,由專業廠商各別統籌設計施工為佳。 期望能夠藉由本研究之結果,供做未來高科技產業業主發包時之參考,也讓較無建廠經驗之業主省去盲目摸索的痛苦過程,儘速達成建廠目標。


Regarding the overall production of the Hsinchu Science Park in 2004, the total revenue of the six main industries reached NT$1,085 billion, representing a growth rate of 27% in 2004. In fact, Taiwan’s High-Tech industry has ranked the world fourth and played a crucial role in this industry worldwide. It made a large investment in the high-tech industries. And it will continue to face fierce competition on different fronts. Therefore, with the characteristics of short-life cycle, high complexity and changeable technology, how the position it would be in the market. What are the must adjustments of manufacturer to get with reality challenges, to move up productivity and to competitiveness? The merchant estimated the highly prospect in coming future, for obtain the position in market, the manufacturer must have the certain ability in promotion the soft and hardware equipment, especially, the factory building extension in shortest period. It is the most important for manufacturer’ decision of procurement strategies in extension buildings. This paper aims at probing into the procurement strategies in high-tech manufacturing plants establishment for manufacturer an integrated conclusion of which offers the best practice reference in high-tech manufacturing plants establishment, and then to strengthen the advantageous position of Taiwan high-tech industries in the worldwide market. This paper is based on (1) Taiwan and other countries’ recorded information (2) Simple questionnaire survey (3) Interviewing the people who involved to build up or design the factory, construction counselors, and manufacturers. After analyzing the feedback from the people who worked the high-tech manufacturing plants’ build-up, we propose a better case solving and thinking pattern. We hope this research can provide high-tech bidding references as well as save time and money for the less experienced owners who want to build up their own manufacturing plant factories. At the same time, they can achieve their goal fast in the near future. We also hope this can be used to maintain Taiwanese manufacturers’ superior in the market.


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24.陳中憲,「高科技產業建廠發包策略之探討—以TFT LCD產業為例」,碩士論文,國立成功大學工程管理碩士在職專班,2004。


