  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of the Intelligent Dispatching Taxi Companies

指導教授 : 張學孔


計程車屬於「副大眾運輸工具」之一種,為都會區公共運輸系統中重要一環,因較一般大眾運輸系統更能提供私人運具所擁有之方便、迅速、及戶、私密與舒適等特性,只要費率合理、服務品質優良,即能使私人運具使用者運具轉移,或與大眾運輸接駁轉乘,進而發揮提升道路使用效率與安全性及降低環境污染等功能。然而,傳統計程車經營方式以固定點排班與街道繞行隨機接客為主,既無效率亦難以建立品牌形象,而採用無線電派遣方式雖可改善部分問題,但卻有派遣效率低、派遣不公、車隊規模受限與對講機聲音嘈雜等負面影響。因此,自2001年台灣大車隊首先引進GPS/GIS為基礎之智慧型派遣技術,全面提升服務質量與派遣效率,爾後政府與民間業者亦紛紛投入研發並成立多家智慧型派遣車隊。 本研究以台灣大車隊及台中衛星車隊多年期營運資料為基礎,應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)建構成本效率、服務效果與成本效果等三構面的評估模式,分別以CCR模式與BCC模式求得每一構面之總體效率、技術效率與規模效率。此外,本研究更引用區域保證模式(Assurance Region, AR)對權數範圍進行設限,以克服傳統DEA模式中權數過於自由所產生評估結果不合理之現象。最後透過Tobit迴歸分析來探討外在環境變數對智慧型車隊營運績效之影響。 由模式評估結果顯示,在車隊營運「成本效率」方面,台中衛星車隊與台灣大車隊財務改組前後,效率表現差異不大;車隊營運「服務效果」與「成本效果」上,台中衛星車隊之效率明顯低於台灣大車隊;而在派遣中心效率,台中衛星車隊之效率明顯高過於台灣大車隊。對於車隊營運「服務效果」和「成本效果」具有顯著影響之外在環境變數有計程車數量變動率、實質可支配所得成長率、出入境外國旅客數量、機車持有成長率與地區因素。本研究亦根據研究成果提出智慧型計程車績效提昇之具體建議。


Taxi is one of the paratransit in the urban public transit systems. Compared with conventional mass transit systems, taxi is featured with convenience, speediness, door-to-door, privacy and comfort. With reasonable fare and high service quality, taxi would be very attractive to private vehicle users and can help of enhancing efficiency and safety of transportation system and reducing environmental pollution. However, taxi is inefficient and gains no brand images under the traditional operation approach of cruising on the streets or waiting at taxi stand,. Although the radio dispatching approach can overcome some problems, it still has the shortcomings of inefficiency, unfair dispatching scheme, the small scale limited by handling capacity and noisy to passengers. In 2001, the Taiwantaxi introduced the GPS/GIS-based intelligent dispatching system, and enhanced the service quality and dispatching efficiency dramatically. Since then, the public authority and several enterprises have explored and deployed similar technology for many taxi companies. This study aims to evaluate the operation performance of Taiwantaxi and Taichung e-Cab Corporations by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. The study develops evaluation model in three aspects including the cost-efficiency, the cost-effectiveness and the service-effectiveness. The CCR and BCC models are used to evaluate the technical efficiency, the pure technical efficiency and the scale efficiency in terms of the three aspects. In addition, this study applies Assurance Region (AR) model to limit the weights of inputs and outputs to overcome the misleading results from traditional DEA models. Finally, a Tobit regression analysis is conducted to assess the influences of environmental factors on operational performance. The results of empirical study reveal that the two companies have insignificant difference in their performance of cost-efficiency. It is also shown that the performance of Taiwantaxi is better than Taichung e-Cab in terms of service-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness while Taichung e-Cab has a better efficiency in its dispatching center. It is also found that the environmental factors that have significant influence on the service-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness consist of growth rate of taxi, growth rate of real income, number of foreign visitors, growth rate of motorcycle and the region-specific factor. Based on findings, this study proposes strategies for improvement of intelligent dispatching taxi system.


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