  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of Living Space in The Legalsystem of “Regulation for the Management of Apartments and Mansions”

指導教授 : 劉可強


我國公寓大廈管理條例在1995 年6 月28 日公佈實施,這部被稱為「居住憲法」的法令實施,代表了傳統民事法學在對應都市住宅居住與空間使用上,邁入了新的思想。而就空間與法律之間的關係而言,更是一種重新再思考的結果。 本文分別從公寓大廈共同管理的生活公領域、實質公共空間以及私領域等各種生活空間模式,探討公寓大廈管理條例法律體系的模塑過程。由於原有民法體系對待空間乃置之於財產權標的此一角度下作觀察,在公寓大廈管理條例實施後,我們可以透過公領域或私領域的再建構發現, “泛社會化”的考量表現在公寓大廈的制度中,更為明顯。從家宅私密性的被突破,到共有產權強制共用的效果,實質公共空間的強化,均在在顯示公領域已經藉由空間的財產本質,轉成為著重於使用價值的層面,而有了完全不同的考量面向。 在“空間轉向“的風潮下,法律對空間再建構的修正,在處理空間與人的關係上,仍有極大幅度需要调整,而法律對空間的想像,只有在更貼近當下社會的需求時,法律所創造出來的”想像的空間“,才可能符合制度運作後,真實的生活空間。


Regulation for the Management of Apartments and Mansions (RMAM), the “Residential Constitution” was announced by the President on June 28, 1995. It represented a new era of the civil legal study in urban housing and the usage of living space. Further more, it deals with a rethinking about the relationship between space and law. This thesis detected the living-space paterns of apartments and mansions within: “the public sphere in life ” , public space under co-management and private sphere, for the purpose of understanding the paterns’ forming process of the RMAM and its legal system. Due to the traditional civil legal system handle the space as an subject of the property right, it is easily that a trend of socialismlization thought of RMAN to be found within its reconstruction of the public-and-private sphere. The intensify of material public space, from the breakthough of privacy of home to the outcome of joint owned property by enforced joint usage, reveals the diverse cerebration shift from the substance of property right to the emphasizing of usage value. Under the tide of “space turn”, the modification of space reconstruction in the legal system dealing with relationship between people and space, yet still need hugely coordinate and the imagination of space could only attach to the real living space while close to the current requirements of society.


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