  • 學位論文


Implementation Of 3D Cursor Using Depth Camera

指導教授 : 鄭士康


三維游標系統為三維使用者介面的新概念,相較於傳統用於三維空間的輸入裝置,三維游標系統使用深度影像攝影機來取得使用者手部動作資訊,並使其用於控制三維空間中的游標上。由於三維游標系統採用了深度資訊來操控游標,相對於傳統二維游標系統來說,三維游標系統在操作三維空間物件上會更加精準度及方便。   這篇論文主要在著重在如何設計三維空間的游標系統,以及討論實作上的議題。當中也包含一部分的使用者介面設計和三維空間的手勢設計的議題。最後會展示實作結果並討論實作此系統的優點及缺點。


The 3D cursor system is a new idea to in 3D user interface (UI). Rather than traditional 3D input device, 3D cursor system use depth camera to help user control cursor using their hands. It is different to regular 2D cursor because the 3D cursor has one more attribute value: depth. Since 2D cursor only have two attribute, 3D cursor can control object expertise and convenient in 3D virtual graphic world. This paper is focus on how to design the 3D cursor system and discuss the implementation problems. Also involved some 3D UI design and 3D gesture design, and show the result of implementation and discussion the pros and cons at the end.


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