  • 學位論文


Public Participation in Community─A Case of A Sustainable Project in Fengnan Indigenous Community, Hualien

指導教授 : 蔡博文


提升由下而上的公共參與理念是近年來公部門計畫中的重要政策,但公部門計畫的規範經常會限制社區的公眾參與形式。面對此一局面,社區的計畫參與者如何回應以形成地方獨特的「公眾參與」為本文所欲探討之主題。本研究以Giddens (1984) 的「結構與能動性」的概念作為分析框架,公部門計畫存在規範限制會影響社區的發展,而社區計畫參與者會結合地方特性回應計畫的影響性,由此可理解,公部門計畫的規範可視為結構性力量;計畫參與者回應的方式可視為能動性。本文以花蓮縣富里鄉豐南原住民社區為研究區,透過社區2009-2012年所執行的「重點部落計畫」進行個案研究,且從「重點部落計畫」對社區的四個規範影響做檢視,包括:一、時間規範的影響,二、工作方式的影響,三、資源配置的影響,四、計畫會議的影響。而在參與者回應計畫影響的過程中,本研究觀察到當地的公眾參與情況會隨之轉變,而後本研究發現在公眾參與轉變下,當地原住民會結合以下數個地方特性會回應計畫的影響,包括:地方原住民習慣順其自然的方式去學習;群體合作去工作;由地緣組織管理資源;透過非正式會議討論事情。綜觀豐南社區的地方特性,本研究認為豐南社區會結合地方特性回應計畫規範的影響,進而形塑出豐南社區獨特的「公眾參與」生態。


For a long time, the interaction between the government and the community have affected the development of the community. The type of the development is from “top-down” to “bottom-up”. In other words, the government always manage the development of the community in the early period , and now the communities manage themselves. In addition, in the concept of “bottom-up” the government often advocates the public participation in the community. However, the project planned by government is restrict to the public participation in community. The local characteristics of the community can respond to the limits of project , and they urge to the type of public participation fit in the community. The research attempts to understand how the community characteristics respond to the restricts of the sustainable project in Fengnan community, Hualien. And the project has some restrictions, including the restrict of time, the restrict of engineering, the restrict of the rules, and the restrict of counselling team. All in all, the conclusion is that the influence of project and the response of the local features make a local process of community construction.


bottom-up public participation structure agency Fengnan


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