  • 學位論文


The Innovative Display of Historical Material and Culture: the History Exhibition of the 300-Year Commemoration of Taiwan Culture in 1930

指導教授 : 顏娟英


1930年10月26日,在台南州知事名尾良辰與市尹堀內林平的主持下,台灣文化三百年祭在台南南門國小展開盛大的開幕典禮,揭開活動的序幕。台灣文化三百年祭是為了紀念自1630年熱蘭遮城建城到1930年,台灣三百年來的歷史變遷軌跡,以史料展為核心,搭配產業展、教育展和衛生展等,回顧過去的同時,呈現殖民政府在台建設的成果。台灣文化三百年祭有幾項不同的特色,首先,這是台灣的展覽會第一次以「文化」作為主題,並舉辦台灣第一個頗具規模的史料展,以物質文化呈現台灣的歷史發展。其次,台灣文化三百年祭與台南的關係十分緊密,籌辦人員多為台南在地人士,史料展的展件也多與台南歷史有關。本文首先從博覽會的角度,說明台灣展覽會組合式的性質,以及1920年代受觀光風氣影響而產生、以城市為單位的「城市展覽會」,給予台灣文化三百年祭在台灣展覽會脈絡中適切的定位,也交代其出現的背景。   接著聚焦史料展,討論史料展選擇了那些材料呈現台灣歷史,又是否具有新史觀。特別在缺乏以台灣為主體的歷史論述或歷史教育的殖民時期,史料展的內容更引人好奇。基本上,史料展承襲殖民政府的歷史敘述骨架,加強荷蘭時其台灣與日本的連結,頌揚和日本關係密切的鄭成功,貶低清代的治理功績以對比日本的積極治台等,另外也強化含有政治意圖的歷史事件,如牡丹社事件、濱田彌兵衛事件等。但史料展亦有創新,特別是吸收人類學的考古知識,作為發掘物質史料的工具,重新定義史料,並豐富了史料的內容,也拓展了台灣歷史的視野。第二章以展件切入,討論史料展的守舊與創新面。第三章將以考古為主題,說明考古與歷史的結合,如何被台灣收藏家吸收,造成收藏傾向的轉變。第四節則舉台灣歷史重要的書寫伊能嘉矩,以其《台灣文化誌》與史料展相互參照,比較兩者的治史方法以及材料使用,希望藉此說明史料展代表的台灣歷史研究脈絡。另外也提出尾崎秀真對於考古、博物學的方法、對台灣文化的獨特詮釋以及「文化人」的概念,如何影響史料展。   雖然以台灣文化為主題,史料展具有強烈的台南鄉土色彩,第五章以台南的鄉土調查為主題,說明「文化人」如何隨著都市建設的腳步,在故鄉的土地發掘被淹沒的史料。這些發掘成果,成為史料展最別具意義的展件,也突顯史料展與台南、鄉土的關係,顯示台南以文化作為手段,整合南臺灣的意圖。


The three hundred year commemoration of Taiwan Culture had been held from October 26th to November 4th, in 1930. The purpose of this commemoration was to recognize the three hundred year history of Taiwan since 1630, and to retrospect the development of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. The commemoration included History Exhibition, Industry Exhibition, Agriculture Display, Sanitary Display, baseball competition, and many entertainment activities. While it does not seem to be different from the usual expos held in Taiwan, the commemoration certainly had its own unique attribute. First of all, it would be the first time that an expo selected culture as the main theme. Second, the first ever History Exhibition was presented. As the core of the commemoration, the History Exhibition constructed Taiwan history by historical materials and narrated the history context in a visual way.   Though the commemoration attempted to introduce the history of Taiwan, it actually mainly reflected the history of Tainan region, as most of the committees and members of the event were Tainan literates and industrialists, and the major part of displays had strong connection with Tainan as well.   In order to mitigate the uniqueness and the complexity of commemoration and of History Exhibition, the first chapter of this thesis is going to comb through the history and the pattern of expos in Taiwan, and then bringing forth an outline of the commemoration and History Exhibition. Second chapter would focus on displays, trying to determine what and why those historical materials had been selected, and how the materials reveal both conservative and novel aspect of historical concept of the exhibition.    I presumed the crucial factor transferring traditional history material into “cultural specimen” to be the knowledge of archaeology. Therefore, in the third chapter, I will discuss how the conjuncture of history and archaeology influenced the way people defined cultural objects, and how it triggered a group of connoisseur’s interest in the field of archaeology. The new collections brought by archaeological trend had become the foundation of exhibition. The fourth chapter will introduce Inou Kanori and Hotsuki Ozaki, who showed great cultural influence in Japanese colonial Taiwan and reviewing their historical and archaeological works for the comparison of the concept between those history works and history exhibition. Moreover, Hotsuki Ozaki had come up with the concept of culturatis in which suggested a modern intellectual having the responsibility to study the regional culture and history.   These culturatis played an important role in the history exhibition. Without academic training, they searched for new historical materials with passion, and it is their effort that formed the body of exhibition. While devoting themselves to the field research, these culturatis reconstructed their Tainan identity by an innovative history narration.


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陳鴻圖,〈日治時期台灣水利事業的建立與運作-以嘉南大圳為例〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,12 (2001.6),頁117-152。


