  • 學位論文


Multiple biomolecules detection by using Silicon nanowire field effect transistor

指導教授 : 林致廷


近年來,心血管疾病成為國人十大死因的前三名。而心血管疾病種類眾多,其中,糖尿病人口的比例更次逐年攀升,對於糖尿病患者而言,血糖狀況的監控十分重要,然而現階段市售的商業化血糖偵測儀器大多精準度不高,且只能偵測暫時性的血糖狀況,因此我們想要發展出一個具有高精準度且能偵測長時間血糖狀況的生物分子感測器。奈米線生物分子感測器便是很好的選擇,其具有高靈敏度、高專一性等優點,並能做到即時性的檢測。藉由選擇適當的生物指標,便能追蹤糖尿病患者長時間的血糖變化。利用相同的奈米線表面修飾方式,我們也能針對不同目標的生物分子進行感測,因此我們也試著將奈米線生物感測器應用於與血液膽固醇濃度有正相關性之低密度脂蛋白以及用來檢測缺鐵性貧血之鐵蛋白之感測。 本論文利用了商業化製程CMOS所設計之矽奈米線場效電晶體作為生物感測器,針對多種不同生物分子進行感測。首先我們將此感測器應用於溶液pH值之量測,以驗證元件之感測效果。而後將感測器應用於購買之純化蛋白,並調整出適合各種生物份子的感測條件,有效區分出生物分子不同濃度之間的差異。


In recent years, cardiovascular diseases have become the third place of top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan. There are many kinds of cardiovascular diseases, one of those is diabetes. The proportion of people suffering from diabetes is growing fast. Diabetes patients have to monitor their blood sugar level and control it carefully. However, the commercial glucose meter is not highly precise and can only measure temporary blood sugar level. Therefore, we want to develop a biosensor that has high sensitivity, high precision and can trace blood sugar level. To achieve his goal, we need to choose a reliable biomarker having a correlation with long-term blood sugar level and a good sensing mechanism. Silicon-nanowire field-effect-transistor(Si-NW FET) is a good choice. It has advantages such as high selectivity, high sensitivity, and can accomplish real-time detection. In this research, we use commercial CMOS process to design Si-NW FET as biosensor, applying it to different biomarkers. First, we use it as a pH value sensor to verify sensing ability of our biosensor. After that, we use our biosensor to detect commercial purified antigen and identify the optimized measurement protocol of different biomarkers. Finally, we are able to distinguish different biomolecular concentration successfully.


nanowire biosensor biomarker


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