  • 學位論文


Taxonomic study of saprophagous Megaselia species (Diptera: Phoridae) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭旭峰


蚤蠅是一類可以在許多不同棲地被發現的小型蠅類,但過去由於微小的體型和少量的研究資訊而鮮少被注意。蚤蠅有各種各樣的生活習性,包括食腐性、擬寄生、寄生、食菌性和植食性,甚至有少許獵食者和水生的蚤蠅,其中又以食腐性種類占最大比例。有些蚤蠅的種類會食用地底下的屍體,因此具有獨特的法醫重要性;寄生類的蚤蠅具有生物防治的潛力;食菌性的蚤蠅會造成經濟危害。儘管部分的蚤蠅沒有翅膀,大部分的蚤蠅還是可以透過他們特殊的翅脈被輕易地辨認:翅膀的前緣脈、亞前緣脈和徑脈粗短,而中脈、肘脈和臀脈則非常細、不明顯且鮮少與徑脈相連。另一個用來辨認蚤蠅的顯著特徵是觸角,由於鞭節特別膨大,包覆梗節,讓蚤蠅的觸角看起來像是只有兩節。世界上有大約 3,700 種蚤蠅,在台灣過去曾經紀錄 17 屬 69 種,其中有 40 種屬於異蚤蠅屬(Megaselia),異蚤蠅也是蚤蠅科中最大的屬。台灣和蚤蠅有關的研究,大部分都是在 1910 到 1940 年間由 Brues 和 Schmitz 完成的, Borgmeier 曾在1960 到 1970 年間整理印澳地區的蚤蠅名錄,直到近 20 年才又有幾筆相關的研究。我們透過腐敗的豬肝誘集蚤蠅,主要採集到五個屬的蚤蠅:柵蚤蠅屬(Diplonevra)、栓蚤蠅屬(Dohrniphora)、異蚤蠅屬、虼蚤蠅屬(Puliciphora)和刺蚤蠅屬(Spiniphora),並以最大的異蚤蠅屬作為首先研究的目標。目前已經鑑定出的種類有七種:寬跗異蚤蠅(M. aemula)、短脈異蚤蠅(M. curtineura)、台灣異蚤蠅(M. formosana)、褚黃異蚤蠅(M. ochracea)、狹背異蚤蠅(M. reversa)、蛆症異蚤蠅(M. scalaris)和東亞異蚤蠅(M. spiracularis),其中包含兩個在台灣廣泛分佈的新紀錄種,並提供可以協助鑑定的檢索表和分布地區的資料。希望在法醫昆蟲或其他應用領域的物種鑑定上能有所貢獻,並作為未來蚤蠅分類研究的基礎。


食腐性 台灣 蚤蠅科 異蚤蠅屬 分類學 分佈


Phorid flies are common insects that can be easily found in many different habitats, but they are seldom noticed due to their small size and limited information in Taiwan. Behaviors of phorid flies are highly diverse, including saprophagous, parasitoid, parasite, flower visiting, fungivory, plant-feeding, predator and inquiline, most of them are saprophagous. Saprophagous species may have forensic significance since they could be found on the underground corpses, parasitoid species might be used in biocontrol, and fungivory species might cause economic damage. Though there have some wingless species, most of the phorid flies can be readily recognized by their distinctive wing venation, costal and radial veins are thicken and shorten, medial and anal veins are fine and seldom reach the radial veins. Another special character of phorid flies is the greatly enlarged antennal flagellum swelling on the pedicel. There are more than 3,700 phorid species in the world. Previous studies recorded 69 species belonging to 17 genera in Taiwan, and 40 species belong to Megaselia, the largest genus in Phoridae. These researches were mostly contributed during 1910 to 1940 by Brues and Schmirz, and some were accomplished in 1960 to 1970 by Borgmeier. Until now, there have only a few studies of Taiwanese phorid flies. We hereby proposed a taxonomic study of the phorid species in Taiwan. We mainly used pork liver as lure to attract and collect phorid flies, and so far, species belong to 5 genera were collected (i.e. Diplonevra, Dohrniphora, Megaselia, Puliciphora and Spiniphora). This study focused on the taxonomy of the largest genus Megaselia, and seven species (M. aemula, M. curtineura, M. formosana, M. ochracea, M. reversa, M. scalaris and M. spiracularis), including two newly recorded and widely distributed species in Taiwan. Here also give the key for identification and distribution information; hopefully this study could provide more information for species identification in forensic entomological cases and other applications.


Saprophagy Taiwan Phoridae Megaselia taxonomy distribution


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