  • 學位論文


Hybrid Tsou identities: Exploring contemporary rituals, festivals and lifecycle events of the Tsou nation

指導教授 : 闕河嘉
共同指導教授 : 蔡宏進


本研究之目的,係藉當代祭儀、節慶以及生命禮俗的現象,分析探討鄒族的「揉合」認同。本文以阿里山鄒族的傳統祭儀、節慶以及生命禮俗等三類祭儀習俗為研究對象,採「自傳式民族誌」研究方法,進行資料蒐集及分析。本文首先爬梳被捲進全球體系之鄒族社會文化變遷;其次,分析祭儀、節慶及生命禮俗文本,探討其形式、內容與意義,藉此論證鄒族之認同形構。 研究認為,鄒族認同在「權力關係」與「多重論述」的作用下,呈現「揉合」與「多重性」的特質。根據觀察,鄒族在三類型的節慶實踐中,分別以不同的展演意識、策略及實踐方式來表現其差異的認同形構過程。首先,在傳統祭儀方面,族人試圖維繫傳統祭儀,並接軌現代社會,祭儀產生各種繁衍和變化,如儀式時間、禁忌以及意義的轉化等。論者面對祭儀常以「懷舊」和「解殖」的理論觀點,強調「用傳統建構現在」,刻意保存核心儀式,並藉此試圖扭轉歷史文本中「番俗祭儀」的歧視,以建構鄒族的主體性。本文進一步認為應以「揉合認同」超越懷舊與解殖論述,並應關注族人在祭儀展演之「相對自主性」。其次,在節慶方面,為了迎合部落觀光發展需求,打造各類節日,族人將傳統與現代文化元素交互混溶,刻意營造節慶的「異文化風格」,藉此對外展演新的鄒族文化,本文藉著系列的「節慶事件」探討「權力關係」與「論述形構」對鄒族認同的影響,並強調鄒族「自主參與」以及「節慶管理」等未來展望。再者,在生命禮俗方面,本文舉六項生命禮俗現象為例,探討在後殖民情境脈絡下鄒族如何形構自我族群認同,在面對具主導性的詮釋文化,特別是面對基督教信仰的介入,鄒族並非以「非此即彼」的二選一取捨方式,而是以「兩者皆可」或「並置」的形式,讓差異的文化共存,也藉此定義新的身份。 依傳統祭儀、節慶及生命禮俗的現象,均細緻地展現了鄒族認同的揉合、多重性與持續流動的特質,因而這樣的身份是難以表述的。最後,本研究認為鄒族作為邊緣、相對弱勢之群體,在其認同形構的動態過程中,均強調應關注鄒族之「相對自主性」,而藉此鄒族認同的探討,回應後殖民認同之理論觀點。


祭儀 節慶 生命禮俗 後殖民 揉合 鄒族認同


This study examines the hybrid identity of the Tsou nation through contemporary rituals, festivals and lifecycle events. Based on three ceremonial practices, namely traditional rituals, festivals and lifecycle events, this research is a qualitative study of the Alishan Tsou using autoethnography method. This study presents multiplicity of identity construction manifested through performance awareness, strategy and practice in the three types of ceremonial practices. First, regarding traditional rituals, The Tsou seeks to both preserve traditional rituals and keep abreast of modern society, and these traditional rituals have undergone transforms in terms of ritual time, taboos and meaning. The argument of ritual revitalization is mainly based on ‘nostalgia’ and ‘deconlonization’ discouses, insisting on deliberately preserving core rituals. These discourses are deem as Tsou subjectivity as contrast to the historical ‘barbarian’s folklore and rituals’ with a strong discrimination connotation. However, this study furthers such discussion by asserting concept of hybrid identity and arguing for a relative autonomy in ritualistic performances. Second, regarding tourist festivals, Tsou has developed a variety of programs consisting of pastiche from tribal tradition and modern culture elements, and presented it to the world as a new Tsou culture. This study conduct a genealogy of the War festivital, examining how multiple power relations and discursive formation are involved in representation of the Tsou identity. This study also discusses potential autonomous involvement and festival management of the Tsou. Third, regarding life events, this study presents six life-cycle events in the contemporary Tsou society. In the face of mainstream cultural interpretation, especially the influence of Christianity, the Tsou coexisted with a outside culture through ‘both-and’ or ‘juxtaposition’ construction rather than an ‘either-or’ construction, and thus redefined its identity. It is argued in this thesis, that the contemporary performance of the Tsou traditional ritual, festival and life-cycle event is a product and process of hybridization, multiplicity and continuous floating. More, it is important to consider post-colonial theoreties such as concepts of hybridity when discussing about Tsou’s ‘relative autonomy’ and ‘relative subjectivity’.




