  • 學位論文


The question of architectural education in feminism: students' experiences and gender construction in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 畢恆達


我的發問受到Sandra Harding的啟發,即她從問科學界的女性為什麼這麼少,推進到「女性主義的科學問題」,使得我不再只是焦慮的去問建築系女生為什麼很少,而更有勇氣的檢視:這個建築到底教了什麼東西?跟學生與性別的關係為何?女人的經驗受到重視嗎?因此,這篇研究主要發問就是-「女性主義的建築問題」,運用女性主義與教育學觀點檢視建築教育,並以學生的經驗為主要田野,解析建築教學的脈絡。 Harding認識論的弱客觀概念以批評傳統科學知識所謂的「客觀中立」,並連結批判教育學與女性主義教育學探討建築教育設計課現場,分析架構分為兩個主軸:一是以認識論探討專業論述的教育方式,二是從學生經驗來看教學限制,並說明師生的抵抗行為和性別意識。 建築的專業課程多偏重於技術類,並運用幾種模式來逃避性別的挑戰:一、運用評審制度與標準,二、專業語彙的運用與三、教師使用權威而再製。因此,建築系學生會從自身經驗、論述團體產生性別意識而發展出策略,但受限教育環境使其策略缺乏結構論述的批判,而教師的反思與轉化也面臨如何在學術界生存的挑戰。本研究採取女性主義的精神是要從受壓迫者的身分述說,學生相信自己的經驗而轉化型教師要反省並看到教育的結構,直指學科建構的知識論核心。


There were few people in Taiwan study gender issue in architecture. Most of them used the method of classification and the professor’s perspective. That’s why I focused on students’ experiences and feminism perspective here. My research influenced by Sandra Harding developed from ” the woman question in architecture education” to “the question of architectural education in feminism”. It helped me not only worry about the minority problem but focus on what the education system did for gender in architectural profession, And how did students feel and resistant. I connect the concepts of weak objectivity, critical pedagogy and feminist pedagogy to analyse architecture education. There are three parts: 1.what is the epistemology inside, 2. how does it construct architectural profession. 3, Students’ experience and how does they explore gender consciousness and resistant strategies. Architectural profession has three modes to escape the challenge of gender issue: judge and standard system, professional language and teachers’ power .So the students develop strategies to explore their gender consciousness from life experience and group’s support. Either teachers rethink their role and face the challenge from students. Only when the students and teachers take situated experience seriously. And They have to use critical viewpoint to see the knowledge structure in architectural profession.


畢恆達 (2004) 女性性別意識形成歷程。通識教育季刊,11(1.2),117-146。
陳芬苓、張盈堃 (2005) 宰制與抗拒:一所科技主導之大學校園所做的性別觀察。 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究,19,1-46。
楊幸真 (2004a) 再思女性主義教育學:用愛、信任、倫理與關懷。通識教育季刊,11(1、2),227-247。
蕭昭君 (2004) 誰需要女性主義的教育?一個師資培育者自我解放的敘說研究。通識教育季刊,11(1/2),171-198。
Anthony, K. H. (2001). Designing for diversity: Gender, race and ethnicity in the architectural profession. University of Illinois press


邱辰(2014)。都市女性主義研究─以媒體空間之Show Girl為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201414223768
