  • 學位論文


Response of Sweet Granadilla to Temperature and Thermal Lethal

指導教授 : 陳右人


台灣百香果市場目前面臨幾項的困境,包括栽培面積小、生產成本高、栽培品種單一、消費市場有限以及病毒病嚴重等,盼引進新的種類,以突破現況。台灣中海拔地區由民間引進之蜜西番蓮( Passiflora ligularis, sweet granadilla )具有果形大、風味特殊、果肉酸度低且豐產等優良性狀,適合鮮食與加工利用,為中南美洲常見可食性西番蓮之一。然而平地欲栽培卻無法順利越夏,經由長期觀察此植株,發現此種植物在高溫期嫩葉白化,過長的高溫期甚至導致死亡,因而在許多地區無法越夏;故此,本論文欲從植物營養、氣溫與根溫、以及嫁接等栽培部分著手,未探求無法越夏的原因。結果如下:將實生苗盆栽置於日/夜溫35/30ºC 、30/25ºC 、25/20ºC 、20/15ºC 、15/10ºC五個溫度下,結果在35/30ºC下,5週內植株全數死亡,30/25ºC下則有58%植株死亡,生長量則以25/20ºC較佳。再以扦插苗於30/25ºC 、25/20ºC 、20/15ºC 、15/10ºC四個溫度下重複試驗,在30/25ºC下7週內有50%死亡率,以20/15ºC下生長較佳。以扦插苗、普通嫁接苗及疑似耐熱系之扦插苗,比較氣溫30/25ºC及20/15ºC,根溫20ºC、25ºC及30ºC下之生長。結果於夏季,10週內,氣溫30/25 ºC死亡率為67%,而於冬季進行之試驗,7週內氣溫30/25ºC下,植株死亡率為59%;氣溫20/15ºC下,則分別是6%與0%。根溫30℃兩次死亡率分別為50%及33%,根溫25℃則分別是33%及28%,而根溫20℃則是 25%及0%。扦插苗死亡率在夏季10週與冬季7週,死亡率各是59%與22%,疑似耐熱株扦插苗死亡率為33%及17%,嫁接苗則是17%與27%。生長則無論氣溫,以低根溫下較佳,三種繁殖方法取得之植株間差異不大。分析葉片與根部鐵、錳、鋅含量,結果較低氣溫下,全株葉片與根的含量較高,但白化葉的錳、鋅含量均高於正常葉。 測葉片之膜穩定性,在30/25℃高溫下白化的上位葉片細胞膜穩定性顯著低於健康的下位葉,將葉片白化分為4個等級,完全健康葉與初期皺縮葉間細胞膜性差異不大,初步白化葉膜定性僅餘不到60%,已顯著較低,完全白化葉則膜穩定性僅在10%以下。檢視其受高溫影響之時程,發現在30/25℃之環境下,三星期開始有葉片白化與植株死亡之現象,降低根溫會改善植株對高溫之耐性,但無法完全克服高溫逆境,疑似耐熱株耐熱性優於普通株,而嫁接於黃果種百香果上,死亡率與疑似耐熱株相同,但無法改善溫下上位葉白化之現象。植株在高溫下死亡與葉片細胞膜穩定性變差關係密切。雖然在低溫下,葉片之鐵濃度較,但白化葉之鐵、錳、鋅含量高於健康葉,其作用仍有待探討。


蜜西番蓮 溫度 致死


There are a few problems in passion fruit industry of Taiwan such as small cultivating area, high cultural cost, single cultivar, limited market and serious virus disease. There is desperate need to introduce new varieties to break through the difficulties. Passiflora ligularis (sweet granadilla) is a potentially edible passion fruit which has several good characters such as big fruit shape, unique taste, low acidity and high yield which make it suitable for fresh fruit use, especially that compatriots prefer sweeter tastes. After observation for three years, we concluded that most seedlings and cutting plantlets can’t survive because of the summer heat in lowland of Taiwan, but three seedlings survived for two summers which indicated that P. ligularis might have the potential to overcome its obstacle through breeding or cultivation technique and increase the diversity of edible passion fruits in Taiwan. Through the experiments, we now somehow have an overall idea about sweet granadilla thermal lethal phenomenon. Seedlings planting treated with day/night temperature 35/30ºC, 30/25ºC, 25/20ºC , 20/15ºC and 15/10ºC, respectively, all of the plants under 35/30ºC, and 42% of plants under 30/25ºC were dead within 5 weeks. The growth situation is best under 25/20ºC. Repeat the experiment with cuttings under day/night temperature 30/25ºC, 25/20ºC, 20/15ºC, 15/10ºC condition. After 7 weeks, the death rate of plants under 30/25ºC goes to 50%, and the growth situation is better under 20/15ºC. Treated normal cutting plantlets, grafting plantlets and the ambiguous heat-less sensitive cutting plantlets under day/night temperature 30/25ºC, 20/15ºC and 3 root temperature which were 20℃, 25℃, 30℃, to understand the lethal thermal tolerant of top and root. At summer experiment, treated for 10 weeks, the death rate of 30/25ºC was 67%, and at winter time, after 7 weeks of treatment, the death rate of 30/25ºC was 59%. And the death rate of 20/15ºC was 6% and 0%, respectively. Under 30℃ root zone temperature (RZT), the death rate were 50% and 33%, respectively, 33% and 28% under 25℃ RZT, 25% and 0% under 20℃ RZT. The death rate for cuttings for 10 weeks at summer and 7 weeks at winter was 59%and 22%, 33% and 17% for the ambiguous heat-less sensitive cuttings ,and 17% and 27% for grafting plantlets. No matter with which air temperature, the growth was better under low RZT, and there was small difference between the materials. To analyze the leaf and root Fe, Mn, Zn content, and the total contents in leaves and root were higher under lower air temp. But the concentration for Mn and Zn were higher in chlorosis leaves than in normal leaves. To test the membrane thermostability (MTS) of sweet granadilla leaves. The MTS of the upper chlorosis type leaves that were induced by high air temp were significantly worse than the elder normal leaves. To identify the leaves into 4 typical grades under heat stress, MTS showed no significant difference between the normal type and the intermediate. And the MTS of semi-chlorosis type was under 60%, for the chlorosis type was eventually less than 10%, both significantly lower. To lower the RZT was helpful for sweet granadilla to face high air temp but still unable to overcome heat stress, and the ambiguous heat-less sensitive cutting plantlets and the grafting plantlets showed better tolerance than the cuttings, however, none of them were growing normally without chlorosis under high air temperature.


sweet granadilla temperature lethal


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