  • 學位論文


Seeing the Starlight in Taiwan: The Establishment of Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics

指導教授 : 朱有花 林照真


1980年代的台灣,以天文為專業的人屈指可數,然而30年後,台灣團隊卻可以參與阿塔卡瑪大型毫米及次毫米波陣列(ALMA),這個規模龐大的國際計畫,甚至申請到先期計畫7% 的觀測時數。 能有這樣的成果,實有賴於一群華裔天文學家無怨無悔、無條件投入,終於促成台灣天文研究開始起步的。他們大多並非在台灣出生,也未曾在台灣生活過,但為了能創造華人在國際天文領域的貢獻,毅然放棄原有教職,來到台灣帶領團隊參與國際合作發展電波天文學,也培育新一代的台灣天文學家。 本深度報導以中央研究院天文與天文物理研究所成立的過程為敘述中心,探討中研院院士李太楓如何牽線,讓重要的華裔天文學家徐遐生、魯國鏞、賀曾樸等人,來台協助促成與創立中研院天文所。此外,本深度報導也重點探討中研院天文所參與或主導的天文儀器建設計畫,從最初跟著美國史密松天文台建造「次毫米波陣列」(SMA),與台灣大學物理系合作、自行設計建造的「宇宙微波背景輻射陣列」(AMiBA);到後來漸漸提升能力,將原本在台灣建設的第一代掩星計畫望遠鏡(TAOS),進階為第二代TAOS-2,並主導與墨西哥國立大學的合作等。 在這些大型合作計畫中,本深度報導著重敘述團隊如何面對各種挑戰,進而突破困境,得以此為養分成長與茁壯。即使最初參與創所的元老多半已退休、因病過世或另有規劃,不再為所上的主力。中研院天文所新一代的天文學家將接棒,繼續為台灣天文領域交出亮眼的成績單。


In recent years, Taiwan astronomers are very active in several international projects. For example, they participate in the construction of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the biggest telescope in the world. They also beat competitors from the world and got 7% of observation time of ALMA in first period. However, it’s hard to imagine that there were only few professional astronomers back in 1980s. Taiwan astronomy achieved the goals, by having a group of Chinese astronomers devoted thoroughly. Most of them have no connection with Taiwan, however, they believe by helping Taiwan establish astronomy research is helping Chinese as well. They gave up their career in the U.S. and came to Taiwan. In their support and effort, Taiwan got the chance to participate in the frontier astronomy projects, and trained young astronomers. The in-depth report focuses on the establishment of Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Academia Sinica (ASIAA). This report elaborates the story of how Typhoon Lee invited world famous Chinese astronomers, including Frank Shu, Fred Lo and Paul Ho to Taiwan and established ASIAA. This report also discuss about some important astronomy instrumentation that ASIAA participated, including Submillimeter Array cooperated with Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) , the Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA) cooperated with the Institute of Physics of National Taiwan University, and the second version of Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS-2) project cooperated with National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Taiwan team faced different challenges in these international projects, the experience made them grow bigger and better. However, the group of people who devoted to establish ASIAA are leaving because of retirement, death or having other plans. The responsibility has been put on these young astronomers, which they recruited and trained. The new generation is the future of Taiwan astronomy, and still they have different challenges to face and conquer.


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中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(2015年 6月 2日)。〈阿塔卡瑪大型毫米及次毫米波陣列〉。取自 http://alma.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/intro_about_alma_c.php
