  • 學位論文


A Study on the Peer to Peer Service Providers' Liability for Copyright Infringement

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


論文中文摘要 隨著Web2.0時代的來臨,網路科技的發展日新月異,使著作被廣泛利用,也造成了前所未見的大量侵權利用行為,參閱國內外司法判決,關於近來網路著作權之侵害,主要乃在點對點傳輸檔案相關之侵權問題(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)。 我國於2001年台南地檢署因MP3檔案而搜索成大校園事件之後,國人對於網路著作權開始明顯關注。根據RIT及警政署保智大隊的調查,顯示我國網路著作權之侵害日益嚴重。 面對著作遭受侵害,世界各國著作權人對網路服務業者提起訴訟的案例日益增加,由於網路服務業者本身並未從事侵權行為,當網路服務使用者侵害他人權益時,網路服務業者對於其使用者是否應負責一直是個重要的研究問題。美國 1998年通過之千禧年著作權法最初的制定即是預防這類網路著作權侵害問題,以提供安全港條款方式,讓符合特定條件的網路服務業者得以主張免責保護,並提供配合著作權人阻止侵權行為的誘因。 我國為因應P2P侵害著作權問題,參考美國千禧年著作權法與美國Grokster案最高法院判決,於著作權法新增P2P條款及「網路服務提供者之民事免責事由」專章,以處理網路服務業者的侵權與責任問題。 然而P2P服務業者是否應為使用者行為負侵害責任?P2P服務業者在我國與美國法上究竟負有何種責任?其是否適用我國網路服務業者免責事由阻卻其罪責?由於我國司法實務判決於ezpeer與kuro兩案見解迥異,且P2P是否適用美國千禧年著作權法免責亦是美國食物上之重要爭議,在在顯示相關問題仍待解決。 本文將就相關問題進行比較法上之研究,以美國與我國之P2P服務業者相關法例為核心,包括介紹美國之著作權侵權責任、美國與我國法院具代表性案例之相關爭議,並整理歸納比較我國與美國P2P服務業者法規範之異同;且對於「網路服務提供者之民事免責事由」進一步分析立法之利弊得失。本文的目的即在於釐清P2P服務業者的相關責任,並對我國最新修法提供評論與建議。


Abstract With the developing of technology and the Web 2.0 era, intellectual works has been abused widely, which also creates numerous infringement behaviors. Refer to both domestic and oversea judgments about internet copyright infringements, the Peer-to-Peer(P2P) file transformation appears to be the main infringement cause. After Tainan District Prosecutors Office conducted investigated in the campus of National Cheng Kung University in 2001, people started to pay attention on internet copyrights. According to the survey done by RIT and Intellectual Property Rights Police Team, it seems that the situation of internet copyright infringements is getting worse. Noticing the situation of infringements, copyright owners all over the world have gradually taken proceedings against internet service providers. However, internet service providers are not really engaged in infringements. Therefore, It remains an open question about the responsibilities of internet service providers on infringements. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act passed in America in 1998 aimed exactly on preventing this sort of problems about infringements and providing the safe harbor provision for qualified internet service providers to claim their liability disclaimer and assist copyright owners in preventing infringements. Refer to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act passed in America and domestic court judgments, domestic copyright laws finally added the P2P provision and the “Copyright Law ISP Industry Exemption Revision” for dealing with the infringement and responsibility problems about internet service providers. Should P2P service providers be responsible for user behavior infringements? What responsibility do P2P service providers take according to domestic and American laws? Can they apply the liability disclaimer of domestic internet service providers to avoid guilt? The judgments on ezpeer and kuro provide two different versions about infringements. It seems that the related problems are necessary to solve. This study aims to compare domestic and American laws on the related rules about P2P service providers. In the study we presented the introduction about responsibilities of copyright infringements in American, the typical cases about domestic and American copyright infringements, and the differences and similarities between domestic and American provisions on P2P service providers. We further analyzed the legislation about the “Copyright Law ISP Industry Exemption Revision” on both sides. The purpose of this study is to clarify the related responsibilities of P2P service providers and provide some suggestions for revising domestic copyright laws.


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