  • 學位論文


Cytocompatibility enhancement for human cell growth on human type I collagen-expressed zebrafish scale

指導教授 : 吳金洌
共同指導教授 : 陳志毅




Over 39 million people worldwide suffered from corneal blindness worldwide, but less than 150 thousands corneal grafting have been operated. It’s a pressing issue to find out a substitution replacing the damaged cornea. A biomedical corporation, Body Organ Biomedical Corp. in Taiwan had developed a novel fish scale derived collagen matrix (FSCM) from tilapia as bio-cornea for cornea transplantation, which mainly composed of type I collagen with highly similar three dimensional structure to the human cornea. However, in rat implantation experiment, a mild immune rejection was observed, also the low thermal stability of fish scale collagen might cause partial denaturation under human body temperature. In order to prevent such disadvantage, a “Humanized” scale might be an effective solution. In this proposal, human type I collagen gene which composed of two genes: COL1a1 and COL1a2, were transferred into tilapia and zebrafish embryos, obtaining a transgenic tilapia and zebrafish expressing human type I collagen. Zebrafish was mainly used as a model for following experiments proceed due to the difficulty and time consuming of transgenic tilapia establishment. Human type I collagen expression was confirmed by qRT-PCR and whole mount immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. The transgenic fish scale with human type I collagen expression was extracted and proceeded with cell attachment, adhesion, migration and proliferation assay with human cells for cytocompatibility assessment. As results showed, transgenic fish scale could facilitate cell attachment, adhesion, migration and proliferation at early stage. In conclusion, a double transgenic zebrafish stable line with type I collagen expression was established and confirmed. The transgenic scale showed better cytocompatibility comparing to the wild type fish scale, which indicated scale with human collagen expression had opportunity to prevent possible immune rejection and partial denaturation from human clinical trials as a bio-cornea product.


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