  • 學位論文

社區大學健康教育對民眾用藥行為、態度、 藥品資訊來源及對藥師認知之影響評估

Effects of a National Health Education Program on Participants’ Medication Behaviors, Attitudes, Drug Information Sources, and Perceptions toward Pharmacists

指導教授 : 陳瓊雪 林慧玲


藥師提供病患用藥指導,能增進病患對藥品的認知,改善病患用藥順從性並改正不適當用藥行為,進而減少藥品相關問題的發生,藥師傳遞藥品資訊之專業角色為病患所認定後,將增加病患對藥師提供藥品資訊的需求。本研究之主要目的為評估「社區教育推展藥學知識」課程對民眾用藥行為、態度、藥品資訊來源、需求、相信程度以及對藥師之認知的影響。 這是一個以藥師介入處置之單一群組自我比較的研究。研究對象為九十二年度九月至九十三年度一月參與全國三十一所社區大學用藥知識課程的民眾。研究方法採用問卷方式評估,前測於民眾參與課程初發放,後測則於課程結束時發放;資料處理以Excel及SPSS/PC進行數據分析,統計檢定方法為McNemar’s test,顯著水準設為0.05。 研究結果顯示,經一學期用藥課程後,民眾「留存剩餘藥品」情形於課後顯著減少(p<0.01),「常常不知道藥品已經過期」的比例亦減少(p<0.05),課程改變民眾處理剩餘及過期藥品方式,傾向於「丟到馬桶沖掉」(p<0.001),對於民眾用藥順從行為無顯著改善,但因「害怕副作用」而用藥順從性不佳的民眾則顯著減少(p<0.05)。用藥態度上,課程顯著增加民眾對各藥品注意事項的注意程度,特別是藥名與藥品的作用。此外,民眾對各項藥品資訊有高度的需求,而課程也顯著改變「藥師」在民眾藥品資訊來源中的角色,民眾由「醫院藥師」、「社區藥師」、「社大課程」獲得藥品資訊的比例顯著增加(p<0.05, p<0.001, p<0.001),課後相信「社區藥師」與「社大課程」所提供之藥品資訊的比例亦顯著提高(p<0.05)。民眾主動詢問藥師用藥問題的比例於課後顯著減少(p<0.001),但曾經詢問藥師者對藥師提供資訊的滿意比例則顯著增加(p<0.01),課後不認同「藥師只需按照醫師處方正確配藥」與「藥師不該質疑醫師開方的藥品」比例亦顯著增加(均為p<0.001)。 以藥師為授課講師對民眾進行基本用藥知識教育,對民眾之用藥行為、態度、藥品資訊來源、相信程度以及對藥師的認知均有顯著影響,但本研究僅為短期評估,課程對民眾用藥順從性之改善及是否能改變民眾與藥師的互動(促進民眾主動向藥師詢問用藥問題),尚待長期觀察與評估。


Literature has showed that counseling provided by pharmacist can increase patients’ knowledge on medications, improve compliance, and reduce inappropriate medication taking and subsequent drug-related mortality and morbidity. Moreover, it is likely that patients will demand more of these services from pharmacists once their professional role in delivering drug information has been established and acknowledged by patients. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a national health education program, the Community Education Program on Pharmacy and Medications, on participants’ medication behaviors, attitudes, drug information needs and sources, and trust and perceptions toward pharmacists. This was a single group, pre- and post- comparison study. The subjects were a group of general public who attended the Community Education Program on Pharmacy and Medications delivered by trained pharmacists at 31 community colleges in Taiwan from September 2003 to January 2004. The study collected data through survey questionnaires. The baseline and post-test surveys were carried out in the beginning and at the end of the education program respectively. Data was recoded in Excel and analyzed by SPSS/PC. The statistical method utilized for hypothesis testing was the McNemar’s test with a significant level of p


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