  • 學位論文


Self-developed BPR approach in Taiwan Semiconductor Company

指導教授 : 陳家聲


科技的突飛猛進,使得社會的環境在快速的改變,也使得企業營運的競爭加劇,企業惟有經由不斷的改變或再造才能生存。 本論文之研究主題,注重於探討台灣半導體龍頭公司如何在激烈的競爭環境中,不但是在新技術開發及生產成本降低上的努力,更進一步建構起高效率的事務流程,以客戶滿意為最終目標,改善企業體質,以服務,製造,技術及創新為企業核心價值,求取高效率的生存方法。 台積電董事長張忠謀先生在1998年提出要將台積電從晶圓製造代工業,轉型為製造服務業,希望能將服務業對於客戶服務的精神,帶進公司文化中,以在競爭激烈的環境中,創造新的企業契機。而此轉變,帶動的就是公司事務流程的全面革新。 流程再造興起不過十數年,國內引進其理論並發展出適合自己企業的文化及需求,並不多見。尤其是在半導體的高科技產業中,從注重技術開發及成本降低的重點中,能運用流程再造之方法,全面檢討核心流程,並得到實質優異成果,更屬可貴。其中所自己發展出來的實施步驟及方法,是參考全球知名學者之理論及標竿學習企管顧問公司的方法,再以自己企業的文化特質,產業特性而加以改良,調整及驗證,以強化的基本邏輯架構,配合整合的關鍵步驟及明確定義的工作項目,可運用在各類型流程的改善上。變革管理及專案管理的同步運用,更使流程再造的應用,有嚴謹的過程及獲得顯著的成果,對於本國其他企業如欲運用同樣的方法去實施,的確有其參考的價值。


This paper illustrates how the Taiwan semiconductor corporation try to sustain her competitive advantages in the keen competitive environment by constructing the high effective and efficient business process flows, and taking customer satisfaction as the ultimate objective. Since the approach is not a new concept and a lot have been written about it, this paper focuses on the integration of theoretical coaching and practical experience sharing. To remain as world's best dedicated IC foundry company and to face the global competitors, all the functional areas of the company need to be properly integrated, with each understanding the importance of cross functional processes. The paper concludes that even BPR has been introduced for more than a decade, organizations can still benefit from it. Real cases, including a Nation Quality Award winning case, are given to show the processes and results. The subjective enterprise takes service, manufacturing, advance technology and innovation as enterprise core values and upon those as her survival method in such high competitive environment. The chairman of tsmc, the world wide largest IC foundry company, Mr. Morris Chang proposed in 1998 that tsmc shall transform her business model from a pure manufacturing to manufacture service industry, hoped can evolve the corporate culture and create the new enterprise turning point. From this transformation, part of the impetus is the comprehensive innovation and refinement of business processes. The concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) emerges only for ten several years, the domestic introduction its theory and concurrently practically display to suits into oneself enterprise culture and demand, certainly not seen widely, particularly in the Taiwan semiconductor industry. From the general attention on new technology development and in the cost reduction as main focuses, can again make the method using BPR to comprehensively examines the core flows and obtains the outstanding achievement, is valuable, again. Self-developed implementation method and steps from company T, are refers to surveying theory of global well-known scholar and benchmark with lots of business consultant firms. The method, again by the oneself enterprise's cultural and the industrial characteristic, is not only contains with adjustment from those scholars and firms, but also based on basic problem solving logic, the detail coordinative essential steps and clearness about the definition the working items. This method may utilize in various types of process improvement. The synergy of covering Change management and Project management concepts, proved to have rigorous working processes and reveal significant achievements. The referral value to other enterprises to utilize the similar method is also high.


BPR Core competence Change management Semi-conductor


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