  • 學位論文


Spatial Variations in the Prevalence of Cross-Border Marriages

指導教授 : 陳玉華




Since the late 1980s cross-border marriages have increased rapidly in Taiwan with globalization. Most female spouses come from Mainland China and Southeast Asia. The prevalence of marriage migration is drawing much attention and concern from policymakers and the public. This paper explore the distribution of female spouses who came from Mainland China and Southeast Asia through the spatial analysis and finding the relative factors of the distribution by using the spatial econometrics method. Data are taken from the 2003 Survey of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Spouses' Living Conditions, and here we use three hundred and forty nine townships as a subject unit. According to the research result that (1) the female spouses from Mainland China and Southeast Asia both demonstrated a spatial clustering characteristic. The female spouses from Mainland China clustered in the northern urban areas of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Ping Tung and Hualien. And the female spouses from Southeast Asia clustered in the middle and the south of Taiwan. (2) Spatial Error model is better than Ordinary Least Square. Taking the female spouses from Mainland China and Southeast Asia as two examples, both results have proven the Spatial Error model is much more robust and effective in parameter estimations. (3) Townships led by the female spouses from Mainland China and Southeast Asia individually demonstrating the special characteristics. But the townships between above two townships did not demonstrate the special characteristics.


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