  • 學位論文

動物污水逐級利用- 以臺北動物園亞洲熱帶雨林區為例

Animal Wastewater Reuse by Levels- A Case Study in Asia Tropical Rainforest Animal Area of Taipei Zoo

指導教授 : 林郁真


從1998到2001年,臺北動物園每年的用水量大約為120-150萬噸,水費支出高達一千多萬新台幣,如何進行節水大作戰已成為動物園的重要目標。然而,因動物展示池的用水量佔全園用水量之60% ,為動物園水消耗量之最大宗,所以從節約動物展示池用水著手,會是最有效率的節水方式。 陸域動物分佈於全世界各地且牠們使用環境週遭不同水質的水,如:河川、湖泊、池塘的水等。基於這樣的概念,可將動物污水區分成不同等級的水質並提供給對水質有不同需求的動物之展示池使用,這種將動物污水再利用的設計方案,是將污水依不同水質一級一級的利用,因此命名為動物污水逐級利用。而這篇論文的主要目的是研究並訂定一個最適於動物園使用的動物污水再利用方案。 臺北動物園動物污水逐級利用的研究,主要將動物污水區分成三個等級,這三等級的水質標準是參考臺灣的陸域地面水體分類標準及河川污染指標而訂定。第一、二、三級水質的水,可分別供應給高、中、低三種不同水質需求的動物使用。且在這個實驗中,以六項水質參數: 酸鹼度、溶氧、化學需氧量、氨氮、濁度及大腸桿菌群來監控水質。此實驗於園內亞洲熱帶雨林區進行,因此命名為亞洲熱帶雨林區動物污水逐級利用系統,並期望能依此系統的研究而開發出最佳的動物污水逐級利用方案。 根據2008年的實驗成效可知,這個動物污水逐級利用方案已成功地應用在亞洲熱帶雨林區動物展示池水的補給; 這個包含了污水再利用及污水淨化的亞洲熱帶雨林區動物污水逐級利用系統不但可行且具有高經濟效益。整個亞洲熱帶雨林區逐級利用的區域因動物污水再利用可省下84.7%的自來水用水量,且這個動物污水逐級利用方案,還可進一步的應用在其它動物園,水族館或甚至是農漁牧綜合經營的區域。


From 1998 to 2001, the Taipei Zoo water consumption was approximately 1200-1500 thousand tons a year, and the annual cost was more than 10 million New Taiwan Dollars (NTD). Minimizing water usage has become a critical issue of Taipei Zoo. Because most of (60%) the water consumption of Taipei Zoo is used for animal exhibition pools (AEPs), the best way to minimize water consumption is to cut down the water use for animals. Terrestrial animals distribute all over the world. Different water resources with various water qualities (WQs), e.g. rivers, lakes, ponds, and pools, are used by diversified animals. Based on this fact, the animal wastewater therefore could be divided into several levels and supplied to the exhibition pools for different water-quality demanding animals. This cascade use of water in the overall wastewater reuse scheme is named animal wastewater reuse by levels (AWRLs). The purpose of this study was to establish a feasible animal wastewater reuse scheme –constructing and optimizing AWRLs- which could be utilized in a zoo. Three-level WQs of AWRLs scheme was proposed in this study, and they were determined according to the terrestrial surface water bodies’ standards (TSWBSs), surface water classification and water quality standards (SCWQSs) and river pollution index (RPI) of Taiwan. This first, second and third levels of water were supplied to the high, medium and low water-quality demanding animals, respectively. WQ parameters, pH, DO, COD, NH3-N, turbidity and E. coli were monitored for this study. AWRLs scheme was demonstrated in Asian Tropical Rainforest Animal Area (ATRAA) of Taipei Zoo, named AWRLs-ATRAA system, and was used as a case study to develop a most suitable AWRLs scheme. The results of AWRLs-ATRAA system verified in 2008 showed that AWRLs scheme could successfully apply to the AEPs in ATRAA. AWRLs-ATRAA system which reuse and purify wastewaters was found to be feasible and could economically save 84.7% tap water consumption. This established scheme could further be applied to other zoos, aquariums or even being incorporated into management of agriculture, aquacultures and livestock industries.


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