  • 學位論文


Application of Life Cycle Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Making to the Selection of Renewable Energy

指導教授 : 吳文方


面臨全球暖化及石油短缺日漸嚴重的當今,再生能源發展與規劃成為各國政府重視的議題,為因應此現況,本研究結合生命週期評估 (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)、3E (Energy, Economics, Environment)指標及多準則決策 (Multi-Criteria Analysis, MCA)三種觀念,提出一套系統化的綜合評估方法,期能客觀衡量臺灣主要風力發電機及太陽能光電系統之3E表現。透過此套評估方法,本研究結果顯示,在台灣發展風力與太陽能發電系統所將產生的主要環境衝擊為吸入性無機物、礦物使用及化石燃料消耗;而配合專家意見的多準則決策結果則指出,在台灣使用風力機較使用太陽光電系統發電具有相對的優勢;特別的,在本研究所探討幾個適合於我國發展的可行方案中,以2500-kW離岸型風力機擁有最佳的綜合表現,其次則為4500-kW之岸上型風力機。


The development of renewable energy has become an important issue nowadays owing to the growing concerns about global warming and the shortage of fossil fuels. The present study combines concepts and methods of the Life Cycle Assessment, 3E (Energy-Economics-Environment) indicators, and Multi-Criteria Analysis to evaluate systematically the effectiveness of potential development of wind power and photovoltaic (PV) systems in Taiwan. By using the proposed evaluation model, the result indicates that the three major environmental impact categories arise in the development of wind turbines and PV systems are respiratory in-organics, minerals, and the consumption of fossil fuels. Based on experts’ opinions, the outcome of multi-criteria analysis suggests that wind turbines have more advantages than the development of PV devices in Taiwan. In particular, among the studied systems, a 2500-kW offshore wind system has the greatest integrated performance, and a 4500-kW onshore wind turbine system comes to the second.


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