  • 學位論文


Experiential Value of Taichung County Mazu International Festival

指導教授 : 陳惠美
共同指導教授 : 何昶鴛


臺灣過去是個移民社會,時局動盪不安而常有苦難,此時,宗教信仰對於蓽路藍縷渡海而來的先民是最大的慰藉與依靠。媽祖信仰也因此隨著移民來到臺灣開始廣為流傳,漸漸融入到人民的生活中,成為文化的一部分。媽祖信仰的傳承本就是經由口耳相傳其靈驗性而廣佈流傳,如今,因應福建移民在全球分佈,媽祖也成為全球華人的重要信仰。因東西方宗教的本質差異,大甲媽祖遶境活動雖被稱為最接近西方的宗教性遊行,在不同的文化背景之下,儀式的形式亦有分別。然而無論是哪種形式,它們仍有共通點,其附加的世俗活動都是不可或缺的。宗教型活動在國內外休閒觀光業的發展日趨重要,臺灣官方為了把節慶推廣到世界各地給更多的信眾與遊客,也將大甲媽祖遶境漸漸轉變成宗教兼具觀光的大型節慶活動。節慶經營者往往致力於創造難忘的體驗,藉由滿足這些節慶參與者,來增加重遊遊客和志願者。經營者可藉由了解參與者的價值,以及價值與節慶特性、需求之間的關係,進而規劃與維持節慶,吸引參與者而達到活動持續舉辦的目的。 為了瞭解參與者體驗價值與屬性的關係,本研究參考方法目的鏈理論(Means-end theory)進行研究,並依節慶參與者的性質將受訪者進行分類,共分為宗教陣頭、節慶遊客、觀光團體三大類;其中節慶遊客再以參與程度進行分類,分為全程徒步遊客、部分跟隨遊客和定點觀看遊客三類。因此,受訪對象共被分為五個類別:宗教陣頭、全程徒步遊客、部分跟隨遊客、定點觀看遊客、觀光團體。其中,宗教陣頭以陣頭參與者與四香團體作為研究樣本的選取,節慶遊客則是現地自發性參與的散客,而觀光團體則選取政府推出之套裝行程-「大甲媽祖遶境體驗團」為研究樣本選取對象。研究者在99年4月16日、17日兩天在大甲鎮瀾宮與大肚火車站發放現地調查問卷,同時獲得「大甲媽祖遶境體驗團」參與名冊、廟方工作人員參與名冊,主要目的為獲得受訪者之聯絡方式,後續再以msn或電話進行階梯訪談法來進行訪談。最後現地調查問卷共回收207位,訪談各類受訪者各30位,僅徒步受訪者因現地取樣過少及拒訪率較高得20位。 研究結果顯示,在不分類別時,所有參與者最重視「性靈」的價值。在不同參與者性質的分類中,宗教陣頭最重視「安全感」,節慶遊客中的三種不同參與程度受訪者都最重視「性靈」,觀光團體則是最重視「仁慈善良」及「權力與成就」。接著,參與者因各自性質之不同,而分別具有獨特性的鏈結。宗教陣頭的價值觀最集中而單純,其獨特鏈結即是從「宗教主題」的屬性連結至「獲得正面情緒」的結果。節慶遊客之獨特鏈結則分別以不同參與程度做描述,定點觀看遊客從「傳統活動節目」、「地方盛事」開始,連結至「性靈」、「仁慈善良」、「享樂與刺激」、「傳統」;部分跟隨遊客則自「傳統活動節目」、「社交活動」開始,連結至「權力與成就」、「傳統」;全程徒步遊客自「宗教主題」、「虔誠信徒奉獻」、「體能活動」開始,連結至「性靈」、「享樂與刺激」。最後,則是回答中有多元價值觀的觀光團體,其獨特鏈結則是自「體能活動」、「宗教主題」、「傳統活動節目」、「社交活動」、「虔誠信徒奉獻」、「地方盛事」開始,最後連結的價值有「安全感」、「權力與成就」、「仁慈善良」、「享樂與刺激」、「傳統」。 從各類別比較研究結果中得知,參與者確實因為參與者性質之不同而有價值認知過程上的不同。研究建議從可改變的屬性著手,以節慶遊客而言,其確實藉由社交活動而感受到「仁慈善良」,但仍較少人提及,而觀光團體提及此鏈結的次數則較多。因此,為了強化媽祖信仰之社會功能,建議可從塑造參與者之間的團體感著手。另外,因有較多觀光團體的受訪者從「傳統活動節目」中獲得價值認知,可知規劃完善的解說導覽,可幫助了解文化內涵。而為了文化表演內涵之推廣與傳承,應在為數眾多的一般香客及肩負實際文化傳承的宗教陣頭之間,連結起推廣文化內涵的橋樑,並且解決傳承的障礙。


The situation of society had used to be difficult and agitation in Taiwan in the past because it is an immigration society. Religion has become a comfort and support to people at that time. Mazu belief become customs and culture in generally life after being brought to Taiwan by immigrators. Nowadays, it becomes one of important beliefs in global Chinese people cause by the tracks of Fujian immigrators over the world. Religious event is getting more and more important for leisure and tourism development. Dajia Mazu pilgrimage was become both religious and sightseeing festival for spreading itself to the world. The festival planners and stakeholders usually strive for create an unforgettable experience to fulfill the participants of festivals to increase revists tourists and volunteers。Consequently, festival planners and stakeholders can plan and maintain a festival for attracting tourists by understanding the value of participants and the relationship between value, attributes of festival and their need. In this study, we use the Means-end chain theory to clarify the relationship between participants’ experiential values, consequences and attributes. Participants are classified into religious zentou, festival tourists, tour package group according to participation ways. Furthermore, festival tourists are classified into three categoried that named “whole journey walking tourists”, “partial journey tourists” and “point visit tourists” by level of involvement. In sum, the responsers are totally classified into five categories which are religious zentou, whole journey walking tourists, partial journey tourists and point visit tourists and tour package group. Researcher collect responsers’ information and recontact ways in Dajia Jenn Lann Tample and Dadu trains station at April, 16 and 17, 2010. We get 207 interview candidates in onsite survey. As a result, we interviewed with 30 responsers in each category except whole journey walking tourists which only 20 responsers. Results are shown that all participants think highly of ”spirituality” of values. In addition, participants are classified according to participation ways. Religious zentou think highly of ”security”. In turn, three different levels of involment of festival tourists all regard “spirituality” as important value. And tour package group regard “benevolence” and ”power and achievement” as important value。As expected, each classification of participants has its unique chain from the attribute of participation ways. The values of religious zentou are most centralize that start from”religious theme” of attributes which lead to”positive emotion” of consequence. Three levels of festival tourists have varity unique chains, for instance of site seeing of festival tourists starts from”trandition program” and ”community ceremony”which would lead to ”spirituality”, “benevolence”, “hedonism and stimulate”, “trandition” of values. In particular, tour package group own most variety values so that the unique chains start from variety attributes which are ”physical activity”, ”religious theme”, ”traditional program”, ”social activity”, ” altruistic piety”, “community ceremony “ and lead to ”security”, ”power and achievment”, ”benevolence”, ”hedonism and stimulate”, ”trandition” of values. According to the result, participants have different congnitive process of value because the variety of participation ways. Suggestions of festival planning start from attributes of festival which can be improve concretely. For example, festival tourists did pursue ”benevolence” but still fewer than tour package group. Therefore, we suggest that create the communitas between participants to strengthen the society function of Mazu belief. Second,”traditional program” is regarded as the most important by tour package group in all categories. We can understand that package tour with elaborating on culture let much people perceive tranditional program more. The final suggestion is about culture inheritance and spread, religious zentou plays an important role in this subject. It requires general festival tourists to join this job and connect with zentou together to solve the barrier of inheritance.


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王晏翎(2013)。以方法目的鏈探討Lounge Bar之體驗價值〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2013.00007
