  • 學位論文


The “Push and Pull”:The Use of Smartphones Contextualized in Work and Leisure in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯裕棻


蘋果iPhone問世後,智慧型手機「平民化」而開啟「Smartphone 2.0」時代。 過去研究多半討論智慧型手機「延伸工作」的角色,而忽略「偷渡餘暇」及「情感義肢」的面向。 本文從情感和餘暇的面向探討智慧型手機如何鑲嵌於工作生活,如何改變工作與餘暇,以及使用者如何在工作條件限制下協商生活倫理觀。 經深度訪談二十八位不同工作條件的受訪者,本文詳細勾勒下述三種工作生活的手機使用型態:一、以訊息流動為主的工作雖因智慧型手機而更加延伸時空範圍,使用者卻可不必再「黏住電腦」或「遍尋網路」;二、工作地點固定、需以電腦辦公的工作,若電腦網路受管制,智慧型手機是「偷渡餘暇」的主要管道;三、工作地點固定且無電腦的工作,智慧型手機則是「陪伴�打發無聊」的角色。本研究歸納出兩種使用智慧型手機的協商戰術,分別為「逃工不離地」與「逃地不離工」,後者可作為de Certeau日常生活實踐理論在個人媒介科技時代的延伸。綜觀不同使用脈絡,由於智慧型手機「匯流」及「再媒介」之特性,使用者可隨著脈絡條件移轉而瞬間切換手機功能與角色,對於情境定義(工作或餘暇)有相對自主性,勞與逸因智慧型手機而互可補綴。本文認為,「快活倫理」可驅動過勞之中的「偷閒」與過閒之中的「搶忙」,使用者不完全受傳統工作倫理與消費主義的規訓。


This thesis examines the contextual uses of smartphones in Taiwan and proposes the concepts of “leisure smuggling devices” and “affective prosthesis” of smartphones, through which users remediate and negotiate with the boundaries between work and leisure in everyday life. In the aim to contextualize and articulate the uses of smartphones, my analysis sees smartphones as embedded in different contexts of mobility, with respect to its spatial, temporal and technological variations of working conditions. After in-dept interviews with 28 workers of different working conditions of mobility, this research proposes the following major findings about smartphones in work/leisure contexts: 1) mobile workers can be untethered from computers and landline internet, extending not merely working time/space but also physical mobility; 2) when internet channels are limited by employers, ICT-based immobile workers can smuggle in leisure activities and generate emotional mobility; 3) ICT-free workers unprecedentedly “reach out” through the uses of smartphones as companions to “kill time” and tether themselves to social network sites. Altogether, I conclude the tactical uses of smartphones into two descriptive categories, “escaping the work without leaving the place” and “escaping the place without leaving the work.” The latter one can be seen as the continuation of de Certeau’s praxis-theory of everyday life in the context of personalized media technology. Inasmuch as smartphone is medium of convergence and remediation, users are enabled by the multitasking affordances of smartphones to define and redefine the situation (work or leisure). Thus, work and leisure bleed over and users are relatively autonomous within power relations. Moreover, the multitasking practices are chiefly driven by “quai-living ethics” rather than traditional ethics of work or consumerism.


