  • 學位論文


Productive Efficiency Analysis of Swine Farmers from Different Areas in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳政位


本研究主要分析臺灣地區性養豬戶之生產效率,選取全臺灣二十二個縣市的養豬戶進行分析;八個市(新北市、臺北市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市、基隆市、新竹市和嘉義市)同十四個縣(宜蘭縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、苗栗縣、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣、臺東縣、花蓮縣、澎湖縣、金門縣和連江縣)。研究期間為2005年11月至2012年11月的臺灣各地區養豬戶生產資料,應用Färe et. al. (1994) 所提出的係運用資料包絡法 (DEA 模型)及S. Grosskopf, M. Norris and Zhang (1994) 所提的Malmquist 生產力指數,評估臺灣各地區性的養豬戶之生產效率,並探討臺灣養豬產業發展之趨勢。 實證結果:根據2005~2012 年的資料包絡法效率分析之總平均結果,在這二十二個縣市當中,只有彰化縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣和連江縣的生產效率─技術效率(TE_CRS)同純粹技術效率(TE_VRS)都保持在1.000。而在Malmquist 生產力指數分析中:則以彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣和臺東縣的生產力指數變動成長為最佳。最後透過二個模型的整合,顯示臺灣地區性養豬戶之生產效率與各地區性養豬戶的數量有正向的影響。


This study attempted to analyze the productive efficiency of swine farmers from different production areas in Taiwan. There are total twenty-two areas chosen to analyze, including eight cities (New Taipei City, Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Keelung City, Hsinchu City and Chiayi City) and fourteen counties (Yilan County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Changhua County, Nantou County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Pingtung County, Taitung County, Hualien County, Penghu County, Kinmen County, Lienchiang County). The periods of the monthly household data from November 2005 to November to 2012 were enclosed. Standard CRS and VRS data envelopment analyses (DEA) from Färe et al (1994) and the Malmquist TFP index form S. Grosskopf, M. Norris and Zhang (1994) were used to measure the technical efficiency of swine farmers of the different areas in Taiwan. According to the empirical results of the totally average productive efficiency of DEA from 2005 to 2012, Tainan City, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Pingtung County and Lienchiang County among the twenty-two areas have the best effective value which their TE_CRS and TE_VRS are equal to 1.00. With the Malmquist TFP index, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Pingtung County and Taitung County have also the highest growth rates. By integrating the two models, the results show the productive efficiency of the different areas and the densities of swine farmers have a positive impact.


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