  • 學位論文


Personality, Circumstance, and Destiny: A Study of Su Shunqin

指導教授 : 何寄澎


蘇舜欽(1009-1048)是北宋著名的詩人,宋詩的開創者之一,與好友歐陽修、梅堯臣以歐、梅、蘇並稱。他在文學史上以豪邁的詩風而聞名。但除此之外,他的生平、政治活動乃至於個性等等,一直以來都缺乏細緻的研究,使得他有些面目模糊。 因此本文以蘇舜欽的個人生命為研究對象,將其置於時代的大環境和個人的小環境中,從個性、際遇與命運的互動中,審視其短暫的生命歷程。 從個人的小環境來說,蘇舜欽生於一個迅速顯赫又迅速沒落的家庭,他的祖父、外祖父均是宰執之臣,父親也官至工部郎中,蘇舜欽的仕途卻並不順遂。家道中落、親人的接連去世、生活的困窘,使他慷慨激昂的個性蒙上一層悲觀、壓抑的陰影。從外部大環境來說,范仲淹等人領導的慶曆新政給了蘇舜欽一個仕途上升的機會,卻又幾乎在轉瞬之間失敗,連帶著覆滅了蘇舜欽所有的希望。一系列的政治風波之中,有蘇舜欽個體生命與外在政治環境的衝突,也有他不可知的歷史因素在推波助瀾。而反觀蘇舜欽的激烈個性,實際上又與當時的時代風氣有關。慶曆之際,高揚的士風、長期在野的復古派文人與新政士大夫聯合而登上政治舞臺……種種宏觀層面的時代變遷,無疑在他的個性中打上了深深的烙印,使得原本的切直、熱情變得更加激烈、張揚。 在了解蘇舜欽的整個生命歷程之後,吾人才能夠理解其作品中表露出來的豪邁與悲觀並存的矛盾、才能理解他在仕途受挫之後遠走蘇州的行為,才能理解他後期作品中表現出的沉鬱哀頓與盡力超脫又無法超脫的心境。而對於熟悉的仁宗朝、慶曆士大夫群體,也許會有更豐富的認識。


蘇舜欽 個性 際遇 命運 進奏院案 慶曆士風


This paper studies Su Shunqin蘇舜欽, one of the most outstanding poets in Northern Song Dynasty. In the history of Chinese literature, Su was renowned as one of the creators of poems of the Song Dynasty. However, his biography, political activities, personality, had long been ignored, which made Su’s image obscure. In order to make his image clear, this paper prepares to investigate various historical texts to discover more details about Su’s life and the cultural environment he lived in, revealing the background he grew up, how his personality was shaped, how he reacted to political persecution, to observe his short life, his struggle and suffering. Born in a proud family, Su’s grandfather was prime minister in feudal China, and his father was the ministry of works. However, Su’s official career was difficult. His family had gone downhill right after his grandfather’s death, then his family members died one after another, adding his personality, generous in the beginning, some negative and oppression aspects. Although his career seemed to have an opportunity to take off during the Qinli New Deal慶曆新政, with the failure of the New Deal, his hope faded away. Despairingly, Su left the capital. The political turmoil was due to Su’s personality and the political environment, and was also pushed forward by other people and history factors. In fact, Su’s extreme character was formed in the atmosphere among literati and officialdoms during Qinli period. The atmosphere further unleashed his personality to an unrestrained condition. Through clarifying his life experience, we may have a better understanding of Su’s works, of the contradiction of generous and negative in his literature, of his behavior, of his self-abased character and of why he had difficulty in dealing with life predicaments. At last, We will also have a better understanding of the time of Renzong in the Song Dynasty宋仁宗 and the Qinli literati and officialdoms慶曆士大夫.


