  • 學位論文


Relationship between Protected Cultivation Structures and Farm Household Income: Empirical Analysis Using Agricultural Census Data of Taiwan

指導教授 : 張宏浩


隨著氣候變遷的加劇,天然災害使得農作物損失金額屢創新高,衝擊農家農業收入。加上貿易自由化的浪潮下,大量低廉進口農產品嚴重衝擊國內農產品市場。政府為提升農家生計,協助國內農業朝向精緻化、在地化發展,於近幾年開始推動農業栽培設施和相關興建補助的政策。然而臺灣目前的農業栽培設施使用率偏低,且在以往文獻中,臺灣缺乏全面性農業栽培設施使用情形和經濟效益之分析,國外文獻也多是以單一作物別、特定地區,或是以實驗性資料去探討農業栽培設施對於農家經濟收益之影響。有鑑於此,本文彌補了過去文獻的缺漏,提供臺灣目前使用農業栽培設施的情況,並且探討農業栽培設施和不同類型的農業栽培設施,對於農業收入的影響。 本研究利用2015年的農林漁牧業普查資料中生產蔬菜、水果和花卉香菇之農家樣本,分析影響農家選擇農業栽培設施之因素,探討栽培設施與農家農業收入、單位面積收入和利潤之關聯性,並且依不同作物別分析栽培設施與農業收入之關聯性。此外本研究也進一步探討農業栽培設施與其他生產投入要素使用之關聯性。本研究主要採用Inverse Probability Weighting(IPW)、Inverse Probability Weighting Regression Adjustment(IPWRA)、Propensity Score Matching(PSM)和Matching Frontier Method(MFM)為實證模型。主要的實證結果顯示,使用農業栽培設施會增加農業收入,而且相較於露地栽培之農家,使用強固型栽培設施比起簡易型栽培設施,對於提升農業收入的效果更大。而在蔬菜、水果和花卉香菇農家三種分樣本中,以水果農家在使用強固型和簡易型栽培設施對於農業收入的效果差距為最小。此外本研究發現,比起未使用農業栽培設施的農家,使用栽培設施之農家,其使用農藥和肥料的機率更高,所投入的勞動人數較多,而農場外工作機率則會降低。 本研究結果建議政府未來在審核農業栽培設施補助時,除了栽培設施類別外,也應將栽培作物種類、其他要素使用的情況等更多因素列入考量,以達到提升農家收益和促進農業轉型之目標。


Owing to the intensification of climate change, the loss in agricultural income resulted from natural disasters have reached historical high. Under the pressure to be accordance with trade liberalization, many low-cost imported agricultural products to Taiwan have influenced Taiwanese agricultural product market. To improve farm household well-being and to assist domestic agricultural market, the Taiwanese authority has begun to promote the use of protected cultivation structure and provided subsidies for constructing facilities in recent years. However, the current adoption rates of protected cultivation structure is still low. Previous studies are silent on the examining the relationship between protected cultivation structure and the economic benefits. Among the few available studies, they commonly focused on single crops, specific areas, or used experimental data to explore the impacts of protected cultivation structures on farm income. This study aims to fulfill the knowledge gap of previous studies by providing information on the current use of protected cultivation structure in Taiwan. This study also discussed the impacts of different types of protected cultivation structure on farm income. This study used the 2015 census survey of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry in Taiwan. We limited our sample to farms that produced vegetables, fruits, flowers and mushrooms. In the empirical analysis, we first analyzed the factors that are associated with the choice of the farm to adopt protected cultivation structure. We then explored the relationship between cultivation facilities and farm income, the values of farm production yield and farm production profit. Second, we analyzed the correlation between protected cultivation structure and farm income by crop types. Finally, we explored the substitution effects between agricultural cultivation facilities and the use of other production inputs. To increase the credibility of our findings, we applied the Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW), Inverse Probability Weighting Regression Adjustment (IPWRA), Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Matching Frontier Method (MFM) in empirical analysis. Results showed that the use of protected cultivation structure increased farm income. Furthermore, the positive association was more pronounced among farms that used strong cultivation facilities. This study also found that compared to farms that used no cultivated facilities, farms using protected cultivation structure have a higher probability of using pesticides and fertilizers, and hiring more labors on farm production. This paper measured the impacts of the protected cultivation structure on agricultural income in Taiwan. Based on our empirical results, we may suggest that subsidies for agricultural cultivation facilities should consider the types of cultivated crops and the use of other inputs. In so doing, the policy goal of improving farm household well-being could be achieved in a more effective way.


