  • 學位論文


Stability Analysis Of Broccoli And Black Rot Survival Studies By PCR Detection

指導教授 : 張龍生


青花菜為我國重要蔬菜作物,性喜冷涼,受到高溫逆境會影響外觀、產量與品質。夏天因高溫影響而無法在國內生產。國內育種家近年育成許多耐熱品種,對於高溫環境有較佳的穩定性,可以在高溫下維持較好的作物性狀。本研究目的在於分析耐熱青花菜品種各性狀具備穩定性與否,透過收集六個耐熱品種與一個現行商業品種青花菜,在三個不同季節進行四次田間試驗,包含一次頂芽顯微觀察實驗。試驗田區採RCB設計,分為4個區集,每個區集種植12個樣本,行株距為60cm*60cm,調查項目為花蕾球各種經濟性狀,包含球重、花蕾球直徑、莖直徑、苞葉數目、夾葉數目、球形、平整度、移植到採收天數。夏季試驗中’優秀’在花蕾球生成時發生停滯無產量,其他品種發生遲緩結球、減產,品質下降等問題。產量上夏季以品種’清華三號’ 、’AV515’、 ‘AV530’顯著較為高產,並且季節效應與品種效應有一定影響,選擇當季品種可得高產。品質上’AV515’、‘AV530’抵抗品質下降能力不如’B35’、 ‘B45’與’清華三號’ 。品種的基因對球形與平整度帶來的影響力大過於季節與兩者之間交感作用。欲追求球形與平整度須選用具備優良基因品種。Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris引起的十字花科蔬菜黑腐病是屬於世界性病害,可殘存於種子,得到健康種子是主要防治及維持青花菜生產品質之主要策略,因此此病菌之檢測可確保維持種子健康。試驗中檢驗不同年度生產之青花菜種子,利用針對黑腐病專一性之引子進行PCR得到電泳圖檢驗帶菌率,並使用培養皿觀察菌落外型。結果顯示2011年度生產之種子帶菌且與菌落外型觀察吻合。而同年度黑腐病檢出率與浸種的水溫之間並無特定關係,因為PCR檢測的對象是核酸片段不論菌是否存活都會被偵測,但溫度可影響菌落之附著程度與殘存率。


青花菜 耐熱性 交感作用 穩定性 黑腐病


Broccoli, an important domestic vegetable crop adapts to cool climate. Heat stress will affect its appearance, yield and quality. Due to the summer high temperature broccoli can not be produced in domestic. In recent years, many breeders bred domestic heat tolerant varieties, which have good stability in high-temperature environment. Those varieties maintain crop traits better at high temperature. The purpose of this study is to analyze the stability of heat-tolerant broccoli varieties with traits or not, through the collection of six heat-resistant varieties with an existing commercial varieties of broccoli, field trials in three different seasons. Including a tip bud microscopic observation experiments . Trials were RCB designed, plots area is divided into four blocks, each block 12 samples, the line spacing is 60cm * 60cm. Head traits were recorded, including head weight, head diameter, stem diameter, bracteal leaf, projecting leaf, head shape, flatness, Days from transplant to harvest.In Summer trials 'excellent' stagnanted, no head production, late curd initiation, decrease of yield and quality occurred in other varieties. In the yield of summer, 'Tsinghua III', 'AV515', 'AV530' are significantly more. And the effects of seasonal and variety have a certain interaction, choosing seasonal varieties gets high yield. The resistant for decrease in quality of 'AV515', 'AV530' is not as good as 'B35', 'B45' and 'Tsinghua III'. Gene effect in head shape and flatness is much more than climate effect and their interaction. To pursue good head shape and flatness must choose varieties with good genes. Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris cause black rot of cruciferous vegetables is a worldwide disease. Bacteria survival in seeds. Produce healthy seed is the key strategies to prevent and control black rot, also to maintain the quality of broccoli production. So the detection of this pathogen can ensure the maintenance of healthy seed . Trials testing different annual production of broccoli seeds, obtained electrophoresis graph by PCR, using the specificity primer. And use the dish to observe the appearance of colonies. The results showed that the annual production of 2011 contaminated seed and consistent with the observation of the colony appearance. And there is no specific relationship between black rot with the annual detection rate and soaking temperature, because PCR detection of nucleic acid fragments, whether the object is whether the survival of bacteria will be detected, but the temperature can affect the degree of adhesion of the bacteria surviving rate.


Broccoli Heat tolerance Interaction Stability Black rot


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