  • 學位論文


A Study on Police enforcement and Protection of personal liberty:From the perspective of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

指導教授 : 蔡季廷


人身自由的保障發展至今,早已成為普世認同的基本價值,廣泛的體現於現代民主法治國家的憲法之中,更成為聯合國體系下國際人權公約的重要內容。我國於2009年正式批准「兩公約」,立法院並於同年12月通過「兩公約施行法」,賦予行政機關直接的「執行義務」與「遵循義務」,是以警察機關作為政府機關亦應主動落實兩公約保障人權之規定。 針對我國警察限制或剝奪人身自由權之各項執法作為,是否已符合國際法規範評價,特別是通過已具國內法地位「公政公約」之檢驗,如何適用方能更完善人身自由權利之保障、制度上是否還有需要改進之處,實有進一步探討之必要。 本文承接司法院大法官解釋之脈絡,分別就「刑事被告」與「非刑事被告」人身自由限制提出檢討,發現我國的刑事被告「限制人身自由」制度,在透過憲法制度性保障、大法官憲法解釋與刑事訴訟法配合修正方式,框架出應遵循之正當法律程序後,大致尚符公約基本要求。惟非刑事被告「限制人身自由」制度,處分發動之原因也許有所不同,但以結果來看則皆達到剝奪人身自由之效果,既同屬對於人身自由之剝奪,本文以為亦皆應受憲法第8條與「公政公約」第9條規定之規範,故尚有部分未達公約保障人權之要求。 最後依據所發現之缺失,提出修法方向與建議。希冀透過本研究,使我國警察執法與國際人權趨勢進行有效對話,最終建構更完善之人權保障體系。


Since the development of the protection of personal liberty, it has become a universally recognized basic value, with wide embodiment in the constitutions of modern democratic countries ruled by law, and has been considered important in the International Bill of Human Rights of the United Nations. Taiwan formally ratified the ICCPR and the ICESCR in 2009, and the Legislative Yuan passed the "Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" in December, directly giving administrative agencies "obligation of enforcement" and "obligation of compliance." As a government agency, the police should also implement the two conventions to protect human rights. Regarding Taiwan police enforcement of restricting or depriving the personal liberty, whether it has been in compliance with international laws. Through the examination of the ICCPR, which already has the status of domestic law, it is necessary to research how to improve the protection of personal liberty, and whether rooms for improvement in the system remain. Harmonizing the constitutional court interpretations of the Judicial Yuan,this thesis reviewed the restrictions of personal liberty among "criminal defendants" and "non-criminal defendants". The finding illustrated that after formulating sound legal procedures, the restrictions of personal liberty placed on criminal defendants conformed to the basic requirements of the Convention through constitutional statute protection, constitutional court interpretations, and the amendment of the code of criminal procedure. However, in the system of personal liberty restriction on non-criminal defendants,the disposition might be caused by different reasons, but in terms of results, it remained the effect of depriving personal liberty. Since both belong to the deprivation of personal liberty, this thesis believes that both restrictions should be bound by the article 8 of the Constitution and article 23 of the ICCPR, hence some parts did not meet the requirements of the Convention to protect human rights. Finally, based on the found deficiencies, the direction and suggestions for law amendment are proposed so as to construct better human rights protection system through the research, which allowed effective dialogues between the law enforcement of the police in Taiwan and international human rights trends.


