  • 學位論文

最低稅負制對公司稅負影響之研究 ─以台灣五十指數成分股為例

The Effect of the Alternative Minimum Tax on Tax Burden : Evidence from the TSEC Taiwan 50 Index

指導教授 : 李顯峰
共同指導教授 : 林惠玲(Hui-Lin Lin)


民國95年實施的最低稅負制,是我國所得稅制繼兩稅合一後,再一次進行的重大改革,並且在實施的前三天(民國94年12月28日),台積電大股東台灣菲利浦公司為了因應新稅制,出售了市值達1,200億元的台積電股票,這是台灣股市有史以來最大的單筆交易,也引起本論文想探討最低稅負對公司稅負影響的動機。 本文主要探討在兩稅合一制度下,實施最低稅負制,對企業的經營以及獲利能力的影響。以台灣首檔指數型基金選擇的台灣五十指數成分股為實證研究的樣本,共50家公司,應用財務會計學上損益兩平點的概念,推估出影響稅負的關鍵變數,再估算在新稅制下,企業的最低稅負金額。 同時,將台灣五十指數成分股的50家公司區分為電子業、金融業、傳統產業等三個族群,由民國92-94年各企業母公司財務年報去尋找與各公司規模、獲利能力、研發能力有關的經濟變數,再與估算的最低稅負,進行實證分析最低稅負制的影響,本論文主要獲致以下結論:(1)最低稅負的設計,確實有可能達到抑制租稅優惠的效果,享受過多租稅減免稅的企業,將因此承擔較多的最低稅負。(2)最低稅負課徵對象有集中於台灣最有競爭力與規模較大企業的現象。(3)兩稅合一下,最終稅負由個人承擔,未來修法宜將重點放在對個人課稅規定上;就經濟效率與租稅公平的考慮,對於企業的最低稅負似乎須再做調整。


Following the integration of individual and business income tax system, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) system, instituted in 2006, is another major income-tax reform Taiwan undertakes. Just three days before the AMT’s implementation, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co’s (TSMC) biggest stockholder – Royal Philips Electronics N.V. in Taiwan dumped the amount of NT$120 billion TSMC shares, marking the largest stock deal in Taiwan’s history. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect of the AMT system on Tax Burden by using the TSEC Taiwan 50 Index as a sample. The Taiwan 50 Index comprises the top 50 companies by market capitalization in Taiwan. Based on the Break-even Point theory of financial accounting, a corporate AMT rate will be estimated after all variables are examined. The 50 companies listed on the Taiwan 50 Index are further categorized into three industries: the electronics, financial and tradition industry. After economic indicators including corporate sizes, profits and R&D capabilities are extracted from their parent companies’ annual reports, an empirical analysis of the estimated AMT rate was undertaken. The major findings are as following: 1.The AMT system is effective in restraining tax breaks. Companies that avoid too many taxes owe more AMT. 2.The AMT system mostly applies to the most competitive and mega-sized companies in Taiwan. 3.Under the integration of the income tax system, most of the tax revenues come from individual taxpayers. In future legislation should stress the importance of personal income taxation while reconsidering the effect of the AMT system on economic efficiency and taxation equity.


1. 中華民國94年台灣地區家庭收支調查報告(2005.7),行政院主計處編印。
8. 洪瑞隆(2006),「營利事業所得稅與最低稅負制之訮究」,碩士論文,國立台灣大學會計研究所。
1. Gujarati, Damodar N. (2003), Basic Econometrics,4th ed, 616-619, 636-652。
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offsetting the cost would add $1.2 trillion to the Federal Debt over the next decade”, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, June 9, 2005。


