  • 學位論文


Comparison and Analysis on Customer Management of Credit Card Issuing Banks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


顧客管理之概念以行之有年,但在文獻多數為探討財務導向之應用,本研究旨為利用顧客管理之概念比較分析台灣發卡銀行之行銷策略。 本研究在分析台灣信用卡市場各項指標後發現,歷經雙卡風暴、金融危機後,台灣持卡人消費習慣已改變,造成近年信用卡市場重要指標有明顯變化,民眾辦卡意願明顯降低,造成持卡數大幅下降,台灣民眾已將信用卡視為純支付工具,而非理財工具。而此變化也影響了發卡銀行信用卡的收入結構改變,手續費收入的重要性與日俱增,甚至超越過去的主要收入來源循環利息。在此情況下,發卡銀行需較過去注重顧客管理,提升經營效率。 本研究旨為利用顧客管理重要指標-汲取顧客率、顧客流失率,跨行比較分析五大發卡銀行兩項指標的波動,歸納造成指標變化的原因。根據本研究的結果,五大發卡銀行雖策略同質性越來越高,但各自顧客管理成效仍依發卡銀行的行銷策略而大相徑庭。整體趨勢上發卡銀行多提高對於高階顧客的重視,但各自目標客群仍依生活形態而有所不同。產品內容方面,五大發卡銀行則是尋求長期性優惠合作廠商,此舉不僅可汲取新顧客,且利用長期性優惠深入持卡人的日常生活,提升轉換成本,避免顧客流失。 本研究乃透過業界角度觀看發卡銀行長期以來顧客管理面之變化,發卡銀行可了解競爭對手顧客管理面之變化與其應用的行銷策略,藉此制定行銷策略。


The concept of customer management has been popular for years, but most of the research is applying to finance. The main purpose of this research is using the concept of customer management to compare and analyze the marketing strategy of credit card issuing banks in Taiwan. Result of the analysis in various indicators, we find that customers in Taiwan have changed their consumption habits after Credit and Cash Card Debt Crisis and Financial Crisis. Customers are not willing to have credit cards as before, which significantly decrease the number of credit cards people hold up. What’s more, people in Taiwan just see credit cards as a mean of payment instead of financial tool. And this change has also influenced revenue structure of banks, making service fee becomes much more important than revolving interest, which was the main way to make money. To improve operating efficiency under this situation, credit card issuing banks need to pay more attention on customer management. The research uses two of representative indicators in customer management, which are customer acquisition rate and customer loss rate to cross compare and analyze. We can conclude the reasons resulting in changes of two indicators in five leading banks. According to the research, although their strategy is becoming more and more homogeneous, they have totally different performance in customer management. Over all, first, most of credit card issuing banks prefer to focus on high-class customers, however, there are something different between their target customers’ life style. Second, credit card issuing banks seek cooperate companies to provide continuous discounts for customers, which helps banks to attract new customers, approaching customers’ daily life. It’s a smart way to increase customers’ switching costs and keep customers from leaving. Observing what happened with customer management in the long run by perspectives of banks can help banks understand what marketing strategies their competitors used, enabling them to make a better marketing strategy.


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