  • 學位論文


The business design for a new hotpot style restaurant in Zurich

指導教授 : 陳彥豪博士
共同指導教授 : 許文馨博士






This business plan aims to open a hotpot restaurant in Switzerland, Zurich. But why open a hotpot restaurant? Even though hotpot is very popular in Asia, the majority of Swiss people never heard about hotpot before. Thus, this business plan is not about introducing a new business, but it is about entering a new market with an already existing and suc-cessful product. The reason why a hotpot restaurant should be opened is simple, because there is no actual competition in the market right now. The market share of Asian restaurants counts less than 4% in Switzerland, from which only 1.8% count as Chinese cuisine. On the other side, Swiss people like to eat Asian food, as can be seen from the number of new opened Japanese stores lately. According to the research conducted, three main trends could be observed in the Swiss consumption behaviour: fresh & home-made, vegetarian diet, and seasonal & regional products. This business plan provides an answer to all these trends. What could be fresher than if you put your own ingredients into the pot? Besides, the vegetable menu is adjusted seasonally and the restaurant offers vegetarian options and home-made products like for example self-made noodles. Further, the restaurant aims to solve major pain points of the customers, which are price, service and find a place where people with different food restrictions can eat. The business model offers a cheaper lunch menu which costs between CHF 22 and CHF 28 and more expensive dinner set, which costs between CHF 28 and CHF 52 without drinks. Customers with a higher budget, can order additional ingredients and beverages. The aim of the restaurant is to create an authentic Chinese atmosphere, since tables, dish-es, uniforms etc. are all imported from the Greater China region. The restaurant has three different target groups, the local middle-class workforce (main target group), Asians living in Switzerland (roughly 8% of the 2 million foreigners living in Switzerland) and Asian tourists visiting Zurich, which are among the top tourists of Switzerland.


hotpot restaurant


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