  • 學位論文


Negotiation Strategies and Project Management in IC Design Service Industry Based on Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis

指導教授 : 黃崇興


積體電路設計服務業(IC Design Service Industry)為客戶提供積體電路設計客製化的服務,這個生意的範疇包含了IC設計,製造,測試及封裝全套的服務,如有不足的部份,便負責為客戶委外設計生產。由於這樣的服務都是根據客戶的需求而客製化的,所以生意的模式多樣,且包含不同的IPs元件和服務項目的排列組合。 這仰賴多方的專業知識,像是評估設計資源、IP成熟度、晶圓的闸極大小、測試和封裝的能力等,然後IC design service必須很頻繁地尋求以及更換配合的外包商(3rd-parties),並整合多方資源,以符和客戶要求的規格,時程與預算。也因為如此,每個上下游協力廠商必須多次談判,以確認各個利益相關者的權責,並尋求找到各方都能滿意的平衡點。 在多次談判的過程中,風險可能發生在任何的環節,主要真因來自於市場需求快速變動,影響談判各方的利益權衡,而造成談判局勢的變化。如此則緊縮了談判的空間,產生談判障礙,甚而造成選擇放棄談判。 在此, 本研究將以國內IC設計服務業的一個案例,來探討多方談判及決策流程,並用此實然的案例,跟文獻參考中應然的理論做比較,找出問題所在,繼而列出關鍵重點及建議,以期國內IC設計服務業,在未來的商業交易上,能執行有利的專案管理及談判策略,並達到多方之最大利益。


IC Design Service Industry plays a role of platform providing costumed ICs for system and IC design houses. The business scope is wide from spec-in design all the way to turnkey services (See the IC design service flow in Fig.1-1). For the service is by request, the business models could be any combination of IPs, components and service items. Because of the diversification, 3rd parties are frequently relied to meet customers’ IC spec. It takes time for expertise to evaluating design resources, IP maturities,wafer manufacturing recipes, testing capabilities and packaging capacities, trying to fit all things meeting customer’s spec,schedule and budget. On the other hand, multiple-parties contracts, defining each party’s privileges and responsibilities are modifies back and forth,trying to meet the point which satisfies every party in time. Risk happens, at any item is possible, but the root cause mostly come from the quick change of market climate, which makes spec modified frequently, squeezes design response time, product profit and negotiation space, or even terminates business.


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