  • 學位論文


A Cross-Sectional Investigation on French Students’ Mandarin Composition Errors: Zero Anaphora, Copula and Determiners

指導教授 : 劉德馨


現有的對比分析和篇章研究多著重於漢英差異,漢法對比的相關研究仍不足。法語為重形合的精準型語言,代詞、動詞、冠詞在寫作形式上有嚴謹的規範,例如:法語為主語顯著的語言,一般不省略主語,而以代詞銜接前後句;形容詞不能直接充當句子的謂語,繫動詞‘etre’(是)為不可或缺的成分;冠詞位於名詞前,決定名詞的有定或無定。然漢語為重意合的經濟型語言,零代詞、是字句、限定成分皆有其靈活使用的空間:漢語為主題顯著的語言,可省略主語,以零回指的方式銜接語句;「是」字句一般不用於形容詞謂語句,形容詞謂語句中的「是」具有強調的作用;光桿名詞則視語序與篇章內容表達有定或無定的功能。以上兩種語言的基本差異是否造成學習者的習得困難為本文欲探討的要點。 本研究著重探討書面語料的偏誤,語料取自法國國立東方語言文化學院漢學系學生學期末的成就測驗,共90篇作文,初、中、高級各為30篇,以量化和質性分析觀察不同級別學習者的習得狀況。 研究結果顯示,初級學習者為了追求準確,使用過多的代詞回指,造成篇章不流暢;中、高級學習者則是為了追求經濟,出現過度使用零回指的情況。是字句、形容詞謂語句與限定成分的偏誤率則不如預期高,其原因值得後續研究探討。文末根據研究結果,提出教學應用,為以法語為母語的學習者設計國別化的教學方式。


While the contrastive analysis and the discourse analysis in English learners of Chinese as a foreign or second language has been extensively investigated, comparison study of French and Chinese is relatively unexplored. French is precise and rich in morphology inflection. There are strict grammatical rules for the use of the pronoun, the verb, and the article in writing. First, French is a subject-prominent language. The subject usually cannot be omitted, and the pronoun is the pivotal cohesive device that creates coherence in texts. Second, the adjective cannot directly be predicated, and the verb etre (‘to be’) is obligatory in a predicate adjective. Third, the article which indicates the noun being determinate or indeterminate is always required. However, Chinese is economical and analytical in morphology. The use of the zero pronoun, the copula and the determiner is quite flexible. Chinese is a topic-prominent language. The subject can be omitted and the clauses in a topic chain are usually linked by zero anaphora. Besides, the copula shi (‘to be’) is not always obligatory. In Chinese, the predicate adjectives do not use a copula unless the copula as a marker of special affirmation. Moreover, the bare noun without the determiner can be determinate or indeterminate based on the word order and the context. The essential goal of this study is to examine if the above-mentioned differences between French and Mandarin Chinese lead to CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) learners’ learning difficulties. This research focuses on the writing errors. A total of 90 CFL learners’ compositions of the final examination from Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) were collected for this study. The compositions were categorized into three proficiency levels. The learners’ writing errors were examined from the perspectives of quantitative and qualitative research. The main findings of the this study show the elementary learners overused pronouns for the accuracy, and this phenomenon rendered the context to be unnatural; in contrast, the intermediate and advanced learners overused zero anaphora for the economy in language, and this situation caused the context ambiguity. However, the error rates of the copula and determiners are lower than expected, and the cause is worthy of further investagation. Based on the results of this study, pedagogical implications for French learners and suggestions for the future study are provided.


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